Do you keep everything saved? Delete the number and the convo? I just reached back out to a guy I was chatting with during the summer to check in and ask how he’s been, since he was laid off from his tech job during the summer and I know that was tough for him. I admittedly was testing the waters and am still interested in him. He responded with “who’s this?” 💔😩

  1. Usually when someone stops talking to me and I consider it over, I delete because why would I need to hold on to that? Am I supposed to hold on to every number of every woman I ever talked to? That might raise some questions if another woman ever sees my contact list full of women I used to talk to or date lol. It doesn’t sound like you were dating or talking for too long, so I’m not sure what you were expecting

  2. Too much work to go back and delete things. I won’t save a bitch number until I’ve either smashed or went on a real date with. Until then, no saves.

  3. I don’t delete stuff on my phone normally so…i have text convos on my phone from when i had an iPhone 5. 2013 i think. Facebook messages from 2007. I think if you could find my old PCD phone and revive it there are texts in there from back in the day, i never deleted texts. If i’m deleting it means you meant enough to me to remember and we’re not friends.

  4. You ghosted. He purged.

    This is what high value men do.

    Deal with the consequences of your actions.

  5. Delete and keep it moving. No point in keeping reminders of “what could’ve been” in my opinion.

  6. I have a bad habit of keeping the numbers in my phone. To this day, I have no idea who some of the women are in my contacts list

  7. I keep every number that makes it in my phone. Why bother deleting it? Just because I have the number doesn’t mean I will call/text it.

    The only time I deleted a number was because I would text an ex when I was drunk. I deleted it to stop that problem.

  8. I deleted them.

    If it’s not going anywhere then they’re a waste of space on my phone.

    It would be like hanging on to a meal I didn’t finish or a book I don’t like.

  9. Sell them to the black market!

    Usually I just forget about them. Other times delete them.


    Just finished reading the entire post.

    So what, you’re trying to figure out a particular guys thinking?(I think that goes against one of rules of this subreddit, but whatever)

    In your post you said that he lost his job. Most guys in that situation isn’t going to continue thinking about some random woman he casually talked with. He’s more concerned about his current situation.

    So basically he forgot about you.

    If you want to pursue him well, the ball is in your court. If you’re expecting him re-iniate, well good luck with that! He forgot who you are.

  10. It depends, not that I have gotten very many phone numbers in my life or anything, but I’d probably keep it for a while, if neither of us sent any messages in several weeks, I might do one of two things:

    1) Text her asking if she’s ghosting me, then delete the number if no answer comes back.

    2) Delete the number, assuming she ghosted me.

    If they suddenly texted me again at some point, I’d probably remember them, but it’d be kinda awkward texting with her after that, cause if she already ghosted me once, then why would she text me again now? Is she just using me as a means of entertaining herself while she is bored, and the moment she gets another source of entertainment, she’ll ghost me again?

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