Opinion on Robin Hood?

  1. Top notch folklore. Briefly appears (sort of) in my favorite book, T.H. White’s the Sword in the Stone. Had one great movie from Warner Brothers in the 1930s, one decent movie from Disney in the 1970s, and a whole lot of shitty movies before, between, and after.


  2. My understanding is that he is one of the men

    The men in tights

    (*Tight* tights!)

    And that he is always on guard

    Defending the people’s rights

  3. The Disney movie was my very favorite for years. It’s still my favorite kids movie from before I was born.

  4. When I was like 9 I probably watched the Kevin Costner one 50 times.

    And when I was younger I watched the Disney one even more.

    I watched the Kevin Costner one a few months back and it was…fucking terrible lol

  5. The 1938 movie “The Adventures of Robin Hood” (with Errol Flynn, Olivia de Haviland, Basil Rathbone, and Claude Rains) is still the best of the Robin Hood movies.

  6. No real opinion, honestly. He seems to garner the most understanding from the British, perhaps? I don’t disrespect the character, but some of his actions don’t really resonate with me with meaning like others do.

  7. Fictional character, frequently misunderstood by people who read the themes they’d prefer into the legend rather than what the legend itself is about. Unrealistic in the uttermost degree. I can see how the behavior of actual bandits could give rise to the story, but only by selectively remembering things in the best possible light.

    Probably an example of “Jayne Cobb” Syndrome.

  8. My grandma had the animated Disney one on VHS so we watched it just about every time we visited her and the music is banging.

    I like the Russel Crowe one despite the complete lack of historical authenticity of any kind and the Costner one as well.

    But true Hood connoisseurs know Men in Tights is the A game.

  9. Love that cute cartoon fox. What sass. What swagger. Watched it on VHS a zilliion times when I was a kid.

  10. not one of my favorite stories. big fan of the “steal from rich give to the poor” vibe though.

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