Can anyone inform me about IUD? Does it has side effects? It hurts?
My boyfriend and I have been using withdrawal, even though we’ve been good doing it for a while, I know that I’m at risk of getting pregnant, so I considered getting an IUD, so any info will be appreciate it 🙂

  1. I have a Mirena coil .The device is a T-shaped plastic frame that’s inserted into the uterus, where it releases a type of the hormone progestin. To prevent pregnancy, Mirena: Thickens mucus in the cervix to stop sperm from reaching or fertilizing an egg. Thins the lining of the uterus and partially suppresses ovulation.

    Have had 2 now and it’s the best birth control I’ve used because it uses a lower amount of hormones than the pill I personally have had no side effects to my libido while using this. Everyone is different though, and of you’ve not had children they are sometimes difficult to insert. I had one that got knocked out of place during sex and had to have it removed, I check the strings every day to make sure it’s in the right place now and have no problems. Your partner shouldn’t feel the strings. I also have had only a few periods a year on it but again, some women it makes bleed alot more, you get spotting and light periods mostly. Or some get none at all. Basically if you are forgetful like me it’s also nice knowing I don’t have to remember to take a pill every day.

  2. Planned parenthood is great!! I’ll also tell you my experience:

    I have the Kyleena IUD. It lasts five years and relies on localized hormones.

    I have no noticeable side effects. I was on two different versions of the pill (normal and mini) for a while and had significant side effects with each.

    I have a very very light period with my IUD. I never need to use more than liners.

    Insertion was not particularly painful. Momentary acute pain was ~2-3 on a 10 scale. Mild cramps for the rest of the day. For me, it was less painful than getting a tattoo or piercing or even than skinning your knee.

    Your insurance should cover it in full in accordance with the requirements outlined in the ACA. Some religious organizations provide specific employee healthcare policies that weasel out of this.

  3. I have the copper iud. Para guard I think. I wanted non hormonal birth control. I love it. It lasts 10 years. It basically makes your uterus and inhospitable environment for sperm/embryo. I did have heavier periods for about 6 months, but then they returned to normal. Insertion wasn’t bad for me at all, but I do have 2 children and have had other procedures down there.

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