I didn’t have any good relationship at 22 is it bad ?

  1. I’ve(F, 23) been single for a while too and don’t sweat it too much. We are still young. I’m currently using dating apps and Reddit to try and meet people but as soon as I start my new job I will be trying to meet people “organically” as well through hobbies and stuff happening in my city. Maybe frequenting a nice coffee shop regularly and whatnot.

    Don’t give up and if you find yourself getting bitter, take a break. Dating and relationship subs here on Reddit are sometimes pretty depressing which can take a toll on you and demotivate you so browse with caution.

    Good luck!

  2. NO you are so young! Didn’t have my first LTR til I was about 27. Before that I just wasn’t that interested honestly, I enjoyed single life and going out with my friends too much.

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