Was just driving back on the A12 when a flashy motor sped past with a Pr0 Ba11er number plate. I assume he was going for Pro Baller (whatever that means!)

Thought it was a bit cringeworthy myself and I am not jealous in advance I am very happy with my 7 year old Nissan 🙂.

  1. Bit narcissistic if it’s your initials or something like B1G B055, and it looks terrible on anything other than an old Rolls or Jag, but people can do what they want like.

    A random collection of numbers and letters on a more premium car to maybe hide the age a little is more than OK.

  2. I think it’s the single biggest indicator of vanity. There is *literally* no reason for one other than to show off to other people. Makes you a bellend.

    The only exception is subtle ones, like the cheap-ish ones you buy for your son/daughter with their initials that only they and close friends know are personalised and everyone else just sees as a normal number plate.

  3. People pissing their money away on vanity items is hardly uncommon.

    I see personalised plates as no different to any other fashion item.

  4. I don’t really think about it. I only notice when it’s a neighbour or something outlandish. There’s a guy in Glasgow – anyone who’s spent time around Central area will have seen it I think – with one letting everyone know he has a V8. Seems ridiculous to me but probably makes him happy.

  5. Interesting concept considering the maximum permitted characters on a plate is seven. If it was as you say, Pr0 Ba11er, it’s probably an illegal plate.

  6. Waiting for all the jealous Redditors with their heavily dented 20 year old Vauxhalls to come crawling out the woodwork with their pitchforks out as is usual when personalised plates are mentioned.

  7. I kind of like them. I like figuring out what they mean half the time and jn the case of your ‘pro baller’ I like to come up with an obsurd life story to how they became a pro baller with the wife.

    Also I’ve noticed from people I know with these plates they’re usually gifts so I dont judge at all if they seem tacky. It just makes the story telling more creative.

  8. When you are a kid you think wow a lambo as you get older you just think ewww a Lambo.
    You learn its not about the car it’s about the person who would buy the car.
    The same goes for vanity plates.

    The great thing is this can really help people. Over flash cars and/or vanity plates are warning signs. They let you know to avoid that person. It’s also a warning to women about the guy (it’s guys predominantly let’s face it). This guy will never love you as much as he loves himself, if you have a relationship with him you also can’t act shocked when you find out he is cheating, if you get pregnant these if very little chance you will ever see him again.

  9. That example is 1 digit too long.

    But it’s hardly vanity people. They start from £279+VAT. It’s like a months lease on a 3 series. Unless they are rocking something very special like S1 NGH which is the most expensive like into 7 figures at auction, it’s hardly vanity. I got my first initial and full surname subbing two 1s for Ls for £400 years back.

    Cheaper than breast implants or dental implants in 99% of cases.

  10. I can kinda get onboard when it’s a genuine plate, such as A1 JIM for example.

    I can’t get onboard with your 3 initials as the last section, I’m guessing only the owner, spouse and a few close friends know the relevance.

    Some people think that 5 digit plates or less look good, so be it, not for me.

    But to spend £1000 on T777 GFT for example seems plain crazy to me as you don’t even get the reduced plate size

    And if you have to use spurious black plate screws to make it work then just fucking no

  11. I don’t care, personally I wouldn’t bother with one but if it makes someone else happy who cares?, live and let live.

  12. Don’t understand why this topic riles people up so much. The vast majority of personalised number plates that you see on the roads will have cost £200 – £500. No one would bat an eyelid if you said you’d spent that much on a weekend getaway

  13. I know someone that has a personalised plate after inheriting their late in-law’s car, they have since brought the plate forward twice when they’ve changed cars. I just find a plate a weird thing to be sentimental over.

  14. Pisses me off when they’re in silly fonts or not spaced right or have the bolts in silly places or make them look like the right letters. I saw one the other day that said BOSS as the first 4 characters, but they were literally S’s rather than 5’s so it’s not even a valid plate at that point.

    It’s the thin end of the wedge of traffic offences. If the police aren’t going to pull you for having an illegal plate, you’re not going to worry about them pulling you for speeding or running lights or driving dangerously.

  15. Couldn’t care less. The types of people in my family that do will scoff at the price/act, but then act all cultured when they put away a bottle of wine a night and wonder why they are riddled with health issues.

    Pick your poison.

  16. Not really sure what the issue is. People have personalized everything. Mugs, suitcases, jewelry, photo frames etc. No different imo

  17. Some are pretty cool, I like them.

    Some people don’t like them, many do. Isn’t that like life?

    No need to judge, that just makes the judger a bit of a knob in my opinion…

  18. I have my nickname on a private reg when I first bought it it went on my 53 plate astra which was 10 years old at the time, I bought it when I was young and I still love it now as I’m about to put it on my dad wagon, that being Said someone told me how a director where they work has B055 or something like that which is just ridiculous

  19. PR0 BA11ER isn’t a valid registration number. So either the story is made up or they were running an illegal plate, which would be pretty dumb as it is an obviously fake plate and would be pulled over immediately.

  20. Waste of money, but then I’m sure I spend money on things others see as waste.

    Literally just saw a ME14OSE that did look quite like Melrose (the intent, I guess).

    I’d never do anything that gave away more information about me than necessary.

  21. White Ferrari. Plate KO PROMO.

    Drove to Poland with my dad a few years ago. On the motorway leading in the traffic was bumper to bumper. Bit of a slow-moving car park. After a while you could hear this constant beeping as some driver was trying to get everyone to move out the way so he could get through. The car got to behind me and was a white Ferrari with the plate KO PROMO. Bit of a scary chap driving waving his hands at me to move. Dad said I shouldn’t move out the way. I moved out the way.

  22. I’ve got a plate worth quite a lot from my late father. He bought it as it was very personal to him. I’ve got it on my van now and it’s quite warming when I explain to people where it’s from, and it’s meaning.
    So I guess there are many reasons for them.

  23. I was gifted mine when I passed my test from my parents.
    I didn’t go to uni (like my siblings) so they bought my first car and a number plate.
    I’ve still got the plate 13 years later and I love it. It’s sentimental more than anything.
    Lots of people think it’s pretentious or whatever and good for them. It’s harmless and I like it

  24. A UK reg’ plate can’t be longer than 7 characters.*

    PR08 ALR is legal, as is P120 BLR for pre 2001 plates.

    *OK, it’s technically 8, but those are rare and only used for dateless number plates which are special issue by the DVLA for vehicles of a certain class and ownership status.

  25. I drive a 21 year old Peugeot. Was thinking of spending on £100,000 on a “B19 C0CK” license plate. The thought of spending 100x more on my license plate on my car makes me giggle

  26. I got one so that people don’t know I’m driving a brand new vehicle. At least, not from a distance.

  27. Depends on the plate. I despise the ‘look at me’ ones but I have one that I got after my wife got rid of me; it’s my name between the initials of our kids’ names ie Dad surrounded by his boys. It’s primary aim was that it reminded me of them and an outward sign of my keeping them in my heart when I couldn’t be with them, but I did joke that it stood for Dad and his boys with no f*****g ex-wife in sight.

    I gave up a second personalised plate, V2@@@ (5 in family, 2 parents and kids’ initials), when I had to stop biking rather than hold it on retention. I inherited it in divorce and kept it as it fitted my bike (from the V2 rocket) and had the kids’ initials. It had been surpassed by changing circumstances.

  28. I wouldn’t want one, however I own for the first time in my 32 years a brand new car. (Well it was when I bought it. 21 plate bmw and would like to keep the 21 for a good while seeing as before this I only have older cars.

    I also have a VW camper van and there is no part of
    me what so ever that wants a “dub” number plate… I mean seriously NO part of me.

    Each to their own though.

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