How did you find out you were the other woman?

  1. One day I just saw an announcement of his family and there was another woman’s name next to his inclusive 2 kids.

  2. Hooked up with an old friend after moving back to town. Didn’t know he had a girlfriend. Woke up in the morning to him in the phone with his girlfriend telling her he didn’t cheat on her last night, that he stayed with a friend. After he hung up I told him he needs to get out and that I’m not that girl.

    I told her about a year later when they got engaged and I had already seen him with at least 2 other girls in the time between.

  3. I got a message from his phone asking who I was, turns out it was his girlfriend. I told her everything and she said thank you for telling the truth and she would leave him.

    A couple of months later, I got a message from one of her friends threatening to come to my town and beat me up if I spoke to him or the gf again. Funny because I didn’t speak to them again after the initial text

  4. When I received a call from his girlfriend 2 weeks after I broke up with him. It turned out that he was dating someone when he met me. They broke up and he was with at least one other woman before he got back with his ex, who called me. I dated this jerk for over a year. He practically lived with me at points during the relationship but was a lying cheater.

  5. His wife left me a very (justifiably) angry voicemail calling me a home wrecker and a slut. I didn’t understand the whole thing bc it was in Spanish but I definitely got the gist.

    I stopped believing guys about being “divorced” after that without seeing the paperwork for myself.

  6. When she texted me.

    I mean, technically she was the other woman because she came after me but damn we both noped out of that relationship so fast. Ruined his image, shared the screenshots, we’re friends now.

  7. I rang his house number because I had left something in his car, a woman answered the phone, I asked who she was she told me she was his wife

  8. We were watching movies together one night after 9 months of dating. A text popped up on his phone from a girls first and last name. He quickly swiped it off the screen and I didn’t react, but went home and found this girl’s Instagram and started looking at it. I discovered she was often traveling for work and out of the country, and noticed he had been extremely available to me the times she appeared to be out of the country, but when she was back, he’d be busy. Soon after, he had to “go out of town for work” and the next day the girl posted a bunch of couply photos of them traveling all over Europe together. For two weeks she posted these photos chronicling their vacation and I didn’t hear from him. When her posts from the trip finally stopped, he texted me that he was back from his work trip and was sorry he’d been soooo busy. I ghosted him after that and he still tries to reach out to me 5 years later.

  9. I hopefully have not been the other woman but one of my friends found out when a woman held a gun to her head in the parking lot after work one day. Oops.

  10. A mutual friend of his gf and I told me they were still together. I confronted him and told him I’d never speak to him or see him again. She then called me to get all the details and broke up with him.

  11. While we were dating, I found some messages/ nuded/ dating profiles a few times. I stayed because I was dumb, but he always stated it wasn’t real cheating because it was all online. Anyhow, after we split up, he was trying hard to still mess around with me and see me. I ended up seeing a post on Facebook from his brother. It had him and this girl I’ve never met in it. After some looking around, I realize she’s friends with all his friends/family on Facebook. Kinda weird. He keeps it up and keeps pushing for us to “be friends” and maybe “try again”. I ask him about the girl. He all but flips shit. That they’re just friends and how dare I question him. I casually mention that if we’re all just friends, why is there an issue? He continues to get pissed. I decided to just go ahead and Facebook message her. She tells me how horrible had has actually been. That they had been together and in love for months. That he told her I was abusive and so socially awkward he couldn’t bring me around anyone. We had gotten into a disagreement about 4 months prior. He told her we broke up. We found out would lie to both of us and tell us he was with friends or working, when he was with the other one.

    After learning all this, I went to his house to get my things. I invited her so we could all had a conversation in person, that didn’t go great. My ex tried to grab me when I went to leave, we ended up in a full fist fight. She saw the while thing. She was there when he was admitting to everything he did, and how everything he said about me was a lie. I really thought she was a smart girl. She was honest with me and seemed to be completely done with his shit…

    They got engaged about 6 months after this.

  12. He told me they had broken up. After I found out I was 2 months pregnant, she hit me up on Facebook and let me know that she was 4 months along and she’d found out about a 3rd girl who was also pregnant.

  13. When I randomly started receiving death threats on my Facebook, and then this girl went above & beyond and posted things like “harlot”, “whore”, “home-wrecker”, etc on all of my photos. I didn’t even DO anything, the guy was on Tinder and we had been texting. What a dumb shit.

  14. The guy’s wife called me from his phone… I had no idea he was married. Or in any kind of relationship. If I had, I would never have gotten involved with him.

    I saw his name pop up on a call, I answered, and she (his wife) was like – “who is this?” I let her know my name and she replied “well, I’m …..’s wife.” And she just started talking. Which I allowed cause clearly this woman has been betrayed and she is hurt and angry and the least I can do is listen.

    I felt horrible. I felt so much pain for her and anger towards him. Of course, I never saw or spoke to him again. I blocked him immediately.

    It’s my hope he got the help he needed and if not that she left that marriage and found a man of character. A man of integrity & honesty that can take mature steps to be a committed and loyal husband.

  15. He casually mentioned her the next morning. He thought I knew he had a girlfriend since it was on his Facebook. I’m just not a big snooper I guess.

  16. I never been a mistress (I think). But in quick relations, people I hadn’t more than 2 or 3 times, there were a lot of diffrent situatiuons.

    Other people told me.


    Was a guy I had seen a feel times months before and he was acting weird, later find out he was dating the last time I saw him.


    One guy posted 2 days after a day we were supposed to meet that he was in a relationship (would be a third date, and didn’t happened for things out our control) he had in the same day of the post asked me to meet 3 days after, I’m not sure if he would explain he was dating and we couldn’t see each other anymore or if he was gonna propose to keep seeing me in secret, but i had him i social media, saw the post and was like “i have things to do, no reason to go see the commited dude’ and send him a message wishing his relationship workek and explaining I wouldn’t see him again.

  17. Went on a few coffer dates with a guy. He invites me over to watch movies I agree. When I get there his house has allt of girl stuff in it. I thought maybe he had a girl roommate. Which wasn’t uncommon in the area Iived in (I had a male roommate at the time). I finally just asked him cuz I felt uncomfortable. He flat out told me he actually was engaged. I got the hell out of there. I felt terrible about it afterwards for months.

  18. He told me.

    After a month of dates, when he didn’t stay the night, and my occasional jokes of “Gotta get back to your secret wife?” – awkward laughter…

    So after a month, he sends me an email explaining that he and his wife of 15 years are in an open marriage. I sobbed on my friend’s shoulder, I was falling hard for this guy already.

    For the record the time to tell a potential sexual/romantic partner that you’re already in an open relationship situation, IS RIGHT THE EFF NOW!!!

  19. I feel like the other women. He disappears every other weekend or week, but the weeks before he disappears I’m getting this crazy attention everyday, like if he’s buttering me up for something. I’ve caught him lying to me about who he hangs out with. Yesterday we had an argument which then turned into him blocking me (which he does often) and surprise surprise, his friends birthday is this weekend. He’s suppose to have his son this weekend but I think he’s gonna dump him at his moms today and do god knows what with his friends. I know he’s hiding something or someone because if it’s just a friend thing, why do you have to go to the extremes to block and ignore me? It’s so childish and ridiculous because we’re practically mid 30s and he acts like we’re in our early 20s.

  20. Met a dude, we had a great date, he said we’d definitely see each other again. As we’re keeping in touch he suggests I hit him up whenever I want to make plans. Never initiates. We eventually make a plan and after I’ve bought tickets for a date he blows me off and tells me after the fact that he had to work last minute. I realize I’ve been dragged around for months so I end communication.

    Months later he checks in to see how I’m doing. We’re both in new relationships. I look him up on Facebook, quickly find his girlfriend, and see that she posted a photo of him meeting her family in the same month I’d met him the previous year. Unless they met and moved extremely quickly (as in, a week) right after my date with him, I was definitely a secret he kept from his relatively new girlfriend.

  21. He had gotten promoted at his work. His office decided to have a little celebration for him. One of his coworkers asked me to drop off a desert for them. I got there a few minutes before his fiancé. Coworker planned the whole thing. Thankfully we had only been together a few months but the fiancé had been with him for 3 years.

  22. We hooked after randomly meeting at a bar. We chatted a few times afterwards and planned to meet again. I got a phone call within a day or so after we last talked from his SO asking who I was. I told her the truth and apologized profusely. I had no idea he was in a relationship. She thanked me for the honesty. I never heard from either of them again.

  23. The girl called me and told me they were “having sex.” I said “sooo he’s cheating on me with you. And you are supposed to be my friend. How do you think I should reply? Should we battle to the death over him?” She sat on the line saying nothing probably feeling stupid/confused. I finally broke the silence and told her to call me back when she knew what she wanted to do. She didn’t call back. I confronted him about it, he tried to lie so I smacked the piss out of him. He came forward like he was going to retaliate and my sister jumped out of my car with a bat and told him to back off. He did, I stood there screaming at him and crying in the street like a freakin lunatic while he tried to apologize. Later on I saw her in the club with her friends and I was with mine. We had been drinking and of course now I’m raging again. Walked up to her and said “you didn’t call back so I guess you want this ass whoopin” my sister came out of nowhere and punched her in the face and the fight was on! About 10 girls rumbling around on the floor, in dresses, pulling hair, bleeding, throwing drinks…needless to say security through all our asses out and of course her and I became official enemies as did I and the “boyfriend.”

    I wouldn’t encourage violence now as a mature adult but I ain’t gonna lie, physically harming them both made me feel a little better at the time! The end.

  24. I had a massive crush on him from afar as his bartender. He came back to my girlfriends house with other friends and we hooked up. I was a smitten kitten. He worked at a bar down the street and his coworker was my regular who came in to my bar the following night and told me he had a girlfriend. I confronted him and they had ended but we’re still living together. We hung out heavy for a year and he never committed so I ended it. He told me he loved me and to please stay. I felt I couldn’t trust him. I was gutted. We’re still great friends 12 years later and we often have the “what if” conversation. He lives out of state and he’s got abandonment issues big time. Friends forever, though.

  25. Before I divulge this mess, please understand that i was 16 and so, so stupid. Well, when I started dating my first boyfriend, turns out he hadn’t fully broken up with his ex before he became involved with me. I was half thinking he’d broken up with his ex because that’s the right thing to do and half ruminating on the fact he’d never confirmed a break up with her.

    Well, turns out that 6 weeks in, his ex texted me to call me all sorts of names and said that I could have “that grimy f-ed up little man who needs the psych ward” and then blocked both of us. I still dated the man for two years after, and he was equally as toxic toward me.

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