I, 30’s M, have been on antidepressants for almost two years now. However, due to a variety (better coping mechanisms) of reasons, I’m trying to stop taking them.

While on antidepressants my sex-drive has been non-existent as well as my ability to orgasm.

For about the past week I’ve been completely off of them I’ve had a renaissance and return of a sex drive, a sex drive I have known since probably high school.

I’m curious for those of you that have been on antidepressants but later got off of them, what were their effect on your sex drive?

  1. If it’s only been a week, it’s very possible that the return of sex drive is a placebo affect. SSRIs are notorious for staying on your system for a couple weeks after stopping.

    Also, I hope you stopped with the assistance of a physician. SSRIs should not be cold turkeyed. They should be tapered slowly. Had a friend that didn’t refill his prescription because he was low on cash that week and was dizzy from withdrawal (which can affect things like driving, etc).

  2. The exact same thing happened to me and I swear it’s like my body is making up for lost time! Like the highest sex drive ever, way higher than ever before. Ineasnon antidepressants for years.

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