If you could choose where you were born, where will it be?

  1. Can I also choose when? If that, then sometime in the 1940s-1970s.

    But if can only choose where, then either USA, Southern Germany (Bavaria/Baden-Württemberg/Hesse) or Italy.

  2. I wouldn’t change a thing. Me being born where i was has made me who i know, who i am as a person in this world. I wouldn’t change it for the world

  3. You know what, sometimes I don’t know, I was born in Venezuela amidst the start of a dictatorship in rather not the best position, things were, rough, people I knew, died. And it brings you something, perspective of life, you don’t take things for granted, you don’t believe in fantasies and you learn to take action.

    When you are in that kind of environment your issues are tangible, you become resilient to mental issues; but often I see people in first world countries, with the same level of stress and anxiety for some job issue or something that I would be for having a gun pulled at my head, people fear change and don’t take risks, their tolerance is minuscule.

    Not to add, people sense of success is that they do better today than they did before; improving is fairly straighforward when you come from the bottom and causes are environmental and not personal, the primary thing is change environment, move, as such, I only know success, I am on a winning streak, been so for years.

    Maybe if I was born in a rich first world country I’d be yet another folk struggling with mental issues and having a complex because I keep comparing myself to others and how rich they can be, rather than just be glad I have clean water and do my best to improve.

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