There’s this girl in my class that I have a crush on and I dont know what to do.

we exchanged glances and I was afraid that she think that i’m a creep because i use to stare at people in the eyes, everybody not only her, but this monday i was sitting next to her and we kinda had a small talk about an exam and she was really nice with me, but after that I haven’t talked to her.

There are very few opportunities to talk to her because i’m always with my friend group and she is always with hers.

any advice? i cant understand if she think im a creep, shes also intrested or shes neutral and we just meet our eyes casually.

The reason i’m writing this is because i’m an introvert so i dont really know what to do

( I know you’re having a stroke reding this but english is not my main language and google translate is not the best)

  1. i doubt shes interested in you off of the one or two small interactions you had, so leaning towards neutral no real strong opinion about you either way

  2. dont believe every thing you think. make small talks in the start then you’ll eventually become friends. be slow & dont be straightforward & say youve a crush on her. take things slow

  3. Just treat her like a friend, try to joke around with her when you get a chance to talk to her again. And if you’ve had enough interactions with her (3-4x, 5 min convo), ask her out. Don’t reject yourself by thinking she’s out of your league and you don’t even ask her. Give it a shot when it’s time…

  4. Stop roaming with friends groups. Stay alone and act like a man. Looking in the eye is good , it shows confidence. Try to stay alone and that’s when her eyes will catch u interesting. Being in group kills ur identity , so be like an eagle rather than flockin like parrots. It will work.; she will come to u

  5. You barley know her so your attraction to her is based on shallow reasons. She most likely dates for shallow reasons as well so you probably can’t get her. Focus on your education because that actually matters.

  6. Shoot your short if she single. Worst is she will decline.. big deal. Move on. YOLO .. take risks.

  7. after a couple of eye contacts dude she KNOWS you like her lol so that’s already a givin.

    if you need help talking to girls my best advice is (and it took me awhile to realize this myself). treat them like dudes. i used to see girls as a different breed and couldn’t make small talk. now i flow with them and add alittle “i like how your nails came out” comments. i have a bunch of home girls that are drop dead beautiful. i don’t like any of them tho LOL

  8. Noone’s out of your league if you’re a decent person. Don’t assume that. And if she really thinks you’re be esth her, she wasn’t worth it anyway.

  9. I wasn’t quite aware we had leagues. I wonder if it’s baseball? Am I in outfield?

    In all seriousness the term out of your league is outdated. Strike up a conversation see if you have anything in common maybe ask to grab ice cream sometime see how it goes the worst she can say is no thanks.

  10. Realistically: This doesn’t have a high chance of working (like, you guys dating), but hey give it a try, what’s to lose? Ask if she would like to hang out some time and her response (not just what she says but how she says it) will tell you all you need to know.
    If she likes you back, great! If she rejects you, well hey, just know that learning to deal with rejection is part of improving your social skills. Also, the balls it takes to even try this will make you really proud.

  11. Get to know her and maybe ask her questions about your class. Eye contact wise don’t be afraid to break once in awhile when forming a thought. And there is no such thing as out of her league if you’re a decent person and have something going for you.

  12. Something I learned at my first school reunion was there several girls in my class who would of been open to a first date. It’s not every person whose polite to you, but if the other person initiates small talk sometimes it’s worth asking. Be ready to take rejection well, you can still be friends after.

  13. As my swim coach used to say, always go for the hottest girl at the bar (or the class). Shes probably too intimidating for most guys, so dont be just another one of them.

    I wish I could follow this advice myself.

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