I met this girl, and we had a good convo. I asked for her number, and she gave it to me (confirmed it was real). I texted her the next day to hang out, but she never replied. Is this normal? Why do girls do this? Why won’t she just say no, or I have a bf at the beginning? or make an excuse

  1. She didn’t really want to give you her number, but did it either for the ego boost (if she gave it to you without you asking for it) or was too timid to say she wasn’t interested (if you asked for it directly.)

    If it’s the latter, please try to hold space for the fact that it’s increasingly scary for a woman to reject a man to his face out of fear for her safety. 90% of the time it Will be fine, but we never know when we’re dealing with someone in that 10%. Safe guards we’ve put in place, like giving the wrong number, are now nullified because men will check it on you in real time. Sometimes what feels like the safest option is to provide it and then fall off the radar as soon as you leave. Try to ground yourself in the fact it wasn’t personal and move forward.

    You deserve someone who answers you either way.

  2. It happens. They get scared to not give their number sometimes because there’s a lot of psychos. Happened to me when I talked to a girl thought I did good, asked for her Snapchat and she gave it to me. She never added me back lol. It pissed me off at first but really it’s whatever.

    It’s annoying but you kinda just have to deal with it.

  3. She might have given you her number because she was too shy to say no, and too timid to come up with an excuse on the spot. As a shy girl I would rather be given a phone number than give mine out. If she shoots the first text, she’s definitely interested.

  4. What if she kept talking to the guy afterwards or made effort to get his attention in person?

  5. Is it possible for you to have a conference /video call with her to ensure that she is a real person , in my experience such people do not do video call and fall under the category of ‘catfish’

  6. I do it all the time. Mostly because I don’t want to make it awkward saying no and also because I’m bad at making decisions so I can always decide if I like the person later

  7. Well it’s easier to ignore you then makeup an excuse,,, it’s simple take it as a no, no answer is an answer.

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