Full time grad student here (28F) – recently went home to see parents for vacation where I went on a date with a guy who lives in that city. The city I am studying/living in is about a 4 hour train ride (between these cities – both major metropolitan areas), and prior to the pandemic, I used to visit back and forth at least 1-2x/month.

Anyway, I went on this date (where I had even told the guy im not looking to date bc I dont live there) – we just went for a coffee- which turned into an elaborate dinner etc, and I stayed over (only cuddling and making out) and took my flight out the next morning. All in all, we were together for like 14 hours. That was exactly 1 week ago.

Since then, we have texted everyday (although some days less than others) and he has even called on two occassions – ususally in the evenings to chat about our days etc. He works in an office setting, intelligent, and I think he is quite cute/a catch. He has been in several long term relationships – the recent of which was over the fall where he ended a several years relationship for incompatibility reasons.

Well anyway, some things i should note; he knows I still have 1-2 yrs of school left, he said I was the first online date he has ever been on, and of the men I have dated, he strikes me as very sincere and quite serious (personality wise). There’s clearly chemistry between us.

Recently, he asked when Im next back in town and we plan on hanging out again later this month. He said he’s looking forward/is going to plan something etc.

I’ve also noticed that he’s been actively updating his dating profile/obviously pursuing other dates (because why not), and I have been feeling anxious about what this even is/ and I think it’s too soon to even ask him anything or expect anything.

Has anyone been in or heard of a similar situation? I can’t tell if he is putting in all of this effort to get laid (I dont see him as that type) but what is even the alternative? Any insight wouldbe appreciated.

stuck between liking him and feeling like I’m being unrealistic/unreasonable..

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