My boyfriend and I have been having sex for about 8 months now. No condom, I’m on birth control. He usually cums about 25 times during our 2 hours of sex, sometimes more. I’ve never thought much about it since he’s my first and I don’t know how an average male body works in that area. From talking to people, I realized most men come up to maybe 5 times during sex. How is this possible? I’m glad he’s cumming so much and is still able to remain hard, but at this point I believe his nuts have an endless amount of sperm in them. Should I be worried or is his body just quirky? I love it, but I don’t want him to have any problems in the future if this is a health issue.

  1. >I realized most men come up to maybe 5 times during sex

    Lol wot

    When you say cum, do you mean ejaculate?

  2. 5 times I could relate. Because I could still do that since my 20s. But 25 times. I’ve never heard of it. His body is over producing sperms.

  3. There is a way that men can have multiple orgasms. But the prostate can only create semen so fast and can only hold so much. I would expect there’s little to no semen in most of his ejaculations, if he is indeed able to do it.

  4. So most men can do 1 time, in their teens and early twenties 2.
    Some people can double that, and in a 2 hour session, the penis is pretty damn sore after cumming 4 times, and more is painful, 5 is pretty extreme maximum.

    Dry orgasms, I have had them, there’s no difference, it’s just the semen goes into the bladder instead of out the dick, same rules apply.

    First thing is, is he really orgasming, I mean, after every orgasm you usually last longer, but assuming it’s just evenly split, and that 2 hours is 1,5 of actual action, that’s under 4 minutes per load.
    I may be wrong, but I would be considering that premature ejaculation, that’s really a short time to last.

    Something weird is going on, I would suspect, he is faking it.

  5. This is impossible. If I was to have sex let’s say 4 times in 1 whole day, starting with the first load at 8am, the second at noon, third at 4pm, and the fourth load at 8pm the third and 4th load would be both very little cum, diminished orgasm pleasure, and slightly painful.

    If I was to compare to let’s say a long session of sex of about 1.5 hours. The first would be great, full pleasure and normal load. The second would be nearly impossible unless there was massive buildup and stimulation. At that point the odds of having a normal orgasm and load would be like 25%. Any more orgasms after that would be painful and or pointless from a pleasure point of view.

    Also I don’t think it’s possible to orgasm and not ejaculate, unless your balls have been drained and at this point it’s is very painful.

  6. My husband can go 5 rounds in a row and still be asking for more, I swear I thought he took some magic pill when we first got together but nope… each time less cum but just the way he rolls. 25…. Ehhh I don’t think you can produce that much sperm. Is he peeing or something?🤣 when you say he cums… is he telling you he’s cumming, are you just feeling moisture, are you seeing it with your own eyes?

  7. It’s possible he’s faking if some ejaculations are dry maybe? I, like 90% of men I know, cum once and then the arousal is just gone. There have been times where I’ve ejaculated but didn’t climax, allowing me to ejaculate again fairly soon later. I’ve never orgasmed more than twice during sex and I’ve never heard of anyone who has.

  8. Although everyone is different and this would be the jackpot biologically speaking it seems far more likely that he is taking a TRIMIX injection before sex. This allows for males to orgasm/ejaculate and still stay hard.

  9. He is probably doing kegels inside you to control ejaculation and ejaculates once , you feel the kegels and think he had ejaculated !

  10. It is definitely not impossible.
    I managed to cum like 30+ times in 6 hours.
    That’s definitely not as much or as quick however I never managed to get that much before or after.
    I’d ask a doctor but an orgasm shouldn’t break anything.

    And no I didn’t ejaculate 30 times the full amount.

    Whoever said that this is impossible should go fuck himself. You are not better than most doctors.
    Uncommon doesn’t mean impossible.

  11. That’s not biological possible. Men’s testicle need at least 15min to renew the production of sperms cells and fluid they are living in it self, not mentioning that testicle need 1-1,5 degrees less then body temperature to start the spermatogenesis, so after coming, dick and nutsuck are getting softer to make a distance between body and nuts it self for temperature difference. There are some diseases that are responsible for overproduction of sperm. I think he should go with this to andrologist. Peace

  12. Yeah, this is simply not possible. If 25 times over a two hour session, that means he would be ejaculating every 5 mins. If in fact that is happening then something is definitely off. Either he is displaying signs of orgasm without actually ejaculating or if he is ejaculating it’s definitely something that needs to be checked out just due to the amount of hormones and processes within his body that would be wildly sped up to sustain such production. Either way, not normal or common.

  13. Lmao not possible. I can cum like 3-5 in one session lasting 3 hours. But fuck 30 times. Someone is lying to you and taking viagra.along with more than that.

  14. 5 during sex isn’t likely either, more like max 5 times a day. uhhh I’m not entirely sure how he does that, maybe he should go to a doctor he could be over producing sperm.

  15. Maybe it’s just a precum? Males can barely have 5 orgasms and 10 or more are impossible or very hard. Males are not multi orgasmic.

  16. 30 times is biologically impossible! And unheard of. 3-4 normal, 5 probably max because of the refractory period.

  17. There is a fundamental misunderstanding here.

    Do you mean his dick twitches? One spurt of cum? Or…?

  18. That’s impossible, there’s actually no way, he’s not a woman, I don’t even know if women can orgasm 30 times, but a guy definitely can’t,

  19. Not actual orgasms, but waves. It’s sad how many people do not know the difference between a real orgasm and a wave. Mostly these are females. Men usually have quantifiable evidence and contractions that are measurable to demonstrate their orgasm. While women can have multiple orgasms more frequently than men that’s usually capped at a below 5 number. Females that on the regular think they are nonstop cumming usually have no idea how to distinguish a real orgasm vs a pleasure wave. They are wildly different. It is not really possible to have that many orgasms (male or female) in a short period of time unless there is a medical issue. Hyperspermia while it causes increased sperm load doesn’t necessarily increase orgasm count. There are also very rare circumstances in females where a nerve is pinched and they can orgasm nonstop but that’s painful and not something even related to sex. They will just orgasm while walking. I highly doubt either case is relevant here. You both sound like you have a very low understanding of orgasms and likely are misunderstanding some normal aspects of sex as an orgasm. Alternatively, he has some unknown and ultra rare medical condition that absolutely should be checked out because fertility would and could be affected from overproduction of sperm. Dry orgasming is a thing but only usually after training or extensive orgasms in a day (like 5 – not 20). And that dry orgasm doesn’t keep coming – it’s like a one and done thing that for a lot of men can be very painful. Some basic sexual biology lessons are needed here and potentially a doctors visit.

  20. I once managed 18 orgasms in a 10 hour period and by the 15th one it was literally a teardrop’s worth of cum. I was 19 and it was my first FWB relationship. Now I can manage about 3 rounds of sex in an hour. The little fella is like seaweed drifting with the tide on that 3rd one too.

    25 times in 2 hours is absolutely mad. How big are his nuts? Can he do this on consecutive days?

  21. This is like one of those letters to Penthouse. This doesn’t happen. You haven’t had sex. There is no boyfriend. You are probably an 11 year old.

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