Do you mind when women text first or do you find it annoying?

  1. I prefer they text first. It shows me that they are thinking about me and interested in having a conversation

  2. No. I find it annoying when you play that game of waiting 30 minutes to an hour before replying and it makes me feel desperate for replying right away because I was already on my phone.

  3. I genuinely dont think much about who texts first. I probably won’t even notice who initiated it

  4. I don’t mind, but, sometimes I do find it suspicious due to all the bots, scammers, and catfishers out there.

  5. It’s fine. That’s normally how I’ve experienced it. It doesn’t really matter.

  6. As a matter of fact, it’s very refreshing. It shows she actually wants to talk to me.

  7. Adults don’t have silly rules about texting.

    If you have something to text, do it.

  8. No. This kind of stuff literally does not matter to the vast majority of men. Dating advice like “who should text first” is only contributing to a poor dating environment in the US. Everyone should ignore these “rules” and do what they want.



  10. They almost always text first, and that’s probably a good thing. I rarely text first because I just don’t prefer texting as a form of communication outside of quick check ups. If I’m wanting to have a long conversation with you I’ll do it in person or call if it’s that important.

  11. I’ve done it but when I do I get one word answers back. Yet the person would say “the phone works both ways”.

    Never understood what was happening.

  12. It’s good to do that. Maybe not every time but a relationship is about mutually pursuing each other and both people putting in effort. I don’t want to feel like she talks to me just because I text her. When she texts first ot shows she’s interested in talking to me and at least sometimes thinks about me and what I’m doing. How can that be bad?
    I think only some super macho men might not like it because they feel like they’re supposed to be in charge and direct everything and it’s off putting for a woman to initiate anything.

  13. I’m straight up an NPC. You want something, you better say it, or else I continue on my preset patterns.

  14. It gets annoying if theirs no substance.

    “hey”… “how are you”

    I find very annoying personally. I hate small talk and my day to day doesn’t change much. Daily texts asking how I am can get old quick.

  15. Please, by all means, do indeed be the first one to express interest in me. Otherwise, I will simply forever assume that I’m wrong about thinking I might have a chance and will never take the first step myself.

  16. No, you should do it. Sometimes we want someome to ask how is our day going.

  17. Depends who they are and how they open up. If they start by trying to get something romantic/sexual going, I stop it on it’s tracks, not for me. If it’s a nice conversation, sure, go for it.

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