What’s something that superstore or grocery stores need to start/stop doing?

  1. They should start putting step stools in every aisle so customers can reach things on the top shelves without having to ask for help.

  2. Common opinion but Pay the employees better. Imo grocery stores and fast food joints should be left in the dust in this economy and go out of business or finally act like a place that treats people right. I make $18/hr working in a warehouse but it shouldn’t be under $14 in every place in my town bc no ones in a union

  3. Stop stocking 200 iterations of the same thing. Actual variety would be nice.

    Why are there 15 different macaroni and spaghetti noodle products by not a single weird or high quality pasta? There 60 different air-spun garbage breads, but barely any actual good bread for sandwiches. At best you can get sliced for you a bakery loaf that isn’t the right shape or size and make do. At least I finally have a grocery that stocks an actual local dairy

    Also, now that we’ve “won” the pandemic (sigh…) can we get our goddamn bulk bins back, please?!

  4. Get handscanners. So you can scan your stuff while you shop and put it in your bags right away. And at the end you give your scanner to the cashier or selfcheck out.

    That shops more relaxed then loading in your cart, out of your cart on the belt, and bagging it after the checkout.

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