I am a guy I wanna see if anyone else hates certain things

  1. Say shit like “men are trash” because they failed to vet a shitty person, therefore all men are trash. Like. Take responsibility. You picked a shitty person because you were under the spell of infatuation. That’s your own fault. ESPECIALLY when people specifically told you they were a shitty person *before* you started dating them and you ignored everyone anyway.

  2. Telling you to do something instead of asking. The implication that they will go off on you if it’s anything other than “I’ll get right on that”. They ask you assuming you will say yes and will not consider any alternatives, such as doing it themselves. Not just a women thing really. Just an awful person to be around.

  3. Get upset when men don’t approach them, but then instantly dismiss the possibility of ever taking the initiative.

  4. Yeah these commets above me summarized it, when we arnt demonized for being menz, were just treated like crap alot of the time by women who have gotten it all when and where they asked for it.

  5. Using very indirect communication like subtle hints and open questions, and then feeling hurt or angry when the man treats this at face value rather trying to read between the lines. Example:

    “Do you want to go to Tammy’s party this weekend?”
    “Not really.”
    “How come you never want to do what I want to do!”
    “Whoah there – that’s not what we were talking about!”

    In a relationship, it is CRITICAL to address the direct/indirect communication styles to avoid conflict. Both men and women would benefit from learning more about each style.

  6. Call me ugly or creepy when I’m literally not doing anything or not bothering them. Even when I’m avoiding women they still somehow find a way to throw insults at me.

  7. Try to commiserate with me how hard dating is because none of the last 20 guys they went out caught their fancy. Rubs you the wrong way when you couldn’t get a date to save your life.

  8. Hating men. Talking shit about men constantly. Not taking responsibility for their own lives and choices. Believing that men owe them anything they want while believing that women owe men nothing.

  9. Issue final judgment based on a first/distant impression. Get to know me first before telling me I’m worthless.

  10. Blaming all their shortcomings on society hating them for being a woman, instead of looking at themselves to see what they could do better.

  11. Not sure I can say men hate this, but I definitely do.


    When they talk shit about other women or other people.

    Like the typical girl gossip shit behind people’s backs.

    It’s quite telling of a person and how low level they really are. It’s like a black hole effect and it feels like it’s sucking me into their bullshit.

  12. Use “hints” to convey what they really want and act disappointed / angry when they don’t get what they wanted.

    Languages have been made so we can understand each other, not further confuse each other with guesswork.

  13. Try to include us in their fucking tik tocks, or other social media. Leave us TF alone.

  14. Using collective opinion as a basis for morality rather than clear principles.

  15. Not to be cliche, and I know this isn’t all women, but- when you make little social bluffs.

    Like, if you say “I’m tired and I’m going to bed,” don’t expect me to keep you up. I’m trying to respect your wishes as you’ve communicated them to me. If you want something more intricate than that (and don’t get me wrong, I understand why you would), that’s something that will take time and effort for a mutual understanding to build

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