1. You have the right to be quiet but to be socially accepted you’ll have to balance it with some normie behavior

    -You can be quiet and still show emotions it’s really important to look happy, sad, surprised, angry, focused when it fit with the situation

    Even as a quiet person remember that you have the right to show your emotions

    -Don’t stare at people DON’T DO IT
    You should look someone in the eyes when you are talking to them but don’t look at them if you are not talking with them

    -you can be quiet but when you will HAVE TO talk in class or situation like that do it with confidence

    But in the end just be yourself, be happy with yourself

    Women like a lot guys who DO NO CARE

    So maybe you will be made fun of sometimes but if you do not care and just do your thing in the end they will respect you.

  2. It’s fine to be quiet, just don’t look guilty or lecherous. Looking neurotic doesn’t qualify as creepy, but it’s better if you can avoid that too.

    Take care of your mental and physical health within reason, unplug, and practice your social skills at least to some minimal degree. You can be a quiet person and still make a comment about the weather or homework every couple of weeks.

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