I [23NB] don’t necessarily hate having a vagina. But I don’t enjoy vaginal penetration, nor clitoral stimulation. I’m not sure if it’s gender dysphoria or not, my last therapist seems to think it’s due to sexual trauma and believes I have vaginismus but I have no issues/pain with penetration, I just don’t like it. I still do it from time to time, but only when it’s accompanied by anal penetration as well. She seemed to judge me quite harshly when she found out I mostly do anal, and really tried to convince me to not do it at all.

I’ve only ever orgasmed and squirted with anal. I like it a lot yet I get judged for it. Even if it’s not directed at me, I’ve had a couple of queer friends that just randomly said they don’t understand why some people would even do anal when there’s a vagina you can use instead. It’s really frustrating!

  1. Why worry about what gets everyone else off? Worry about how you feel pleasure. No one gets to dictate how you feel good, besides you. And if you feel judged by your therapist, bring it up to them. If the therapist is worth a damn they will let you know you misunderstood, or they will let you know they were being unfairly judgemental and need to be better. If they tell you that you’re wrong for doing what you like…find a new therapist.

  2. at the end of the day, those are just a few peoples opinions. just keep it to yourself or between you and your partner. people are gona judge and have opinions of every little thing. it’s not even their business

  3. That therapist is wholly misguided and you don’t meet the criteria for vaginismus because vaginal penetration doesn’t cause you pain. You obviously have a lively anterior fornix, and that’s lovely. More power to you.

  4. There’s nothing wrong with it. There have been 2 women I’ve been with where each one we had vaginal like twice but exclusively had anal and oral. It was just their preference and how they were able to orgasm. Look into a new therapist and friends who aren’t as ironically judgemental.

  5. Who ever is judging you for enjoying the amazingness of booty pleasure can go walk across a room full of Lego bricks.

    Not only have you climaxed, but you’ve squirter from it!?!? Pssh, you are a dream come true to like 90% of people in existence.

    Keep killing it out there stud.

  6. Yeah, a lot of people just aren’t going to be compatible with you if you have a vagina and clitoris and hate using them and so they’re off limits. That’s just something you have to accept and use to fail faster to eliminate unsuitable matches.

    Only a minority of men are going to be interested in an anal-only relationship, and I doubt all that many more WlW would be all that keen either.

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