So me (F17) and this guy (M18) have been talking for a month and a half.
We started talking on snapchat (he was a very dry texter) and met up for the first time after about a week or two. The week after our first meet up we hung out like 3 more times.
But then school started for me, he doesn’t go to school anymore but his sport’s season started as well, which meant we wouldn’t be able to hang out as often.
To me this was a good thing because I lose interest when I’m with the same person all the time.
So then the first week of school we didn’t see eachother, the next week I went to his game and the day after he came over to my house. Thing’s were good for me and I suppose for him too.

Buttt, as i said earlier he’s a very dry texter and so on text it seems as if he’s not interested at all but then when we see eachother in person, even if it’s just for 15 minutes, he’s really affectionate and seems really into me.
So then that’s where my confusion starts. Is he into me or not?

Anyways, we met up a couple of times and the last time i saw him was a week ago.
During last week I asked him to meet up once but he said he couldn’t, apparently cus “he had a cold”.
And then yesterday we tried meeting up again and he asked me to come over but my mom doesn’t allow me to go to his house, so logically I told him to come to my house (since my mom does allow that). But he literally refused to come to come over to mine. He did not give a single valid reason except for “if you can’t come over to mine I won’t come to you”.

So, with him being dry over text, not willing to come see me,… has he lost interest already? I’m not willing to put too much effort into someone who’s too lazy to get his ass up and come to my house, but I do like him, and we saw each other’s parents already.
What does this meannnn

Also worth to mention; he actually was affectionate over text after the first time we met up but that stopped almost immediately.

tl;dr The only way I know how he actually feels is when we see eachother irl but since he’s not willing to come see me, I feel like he’s not interested anymore. He’s sending mixed signals and I’m getting bored of it, what do I do

  1. I am afraid that he may have found someone else to text and more who scratches a particular itch he may have.
    You will sadly have a few incidents like this before you find your forever friend but you may want to try find a person irl to engage with too.
    I wish you well
    Have an awesome Sunday

  2. You’re far to young to be dealing with this nonsense, I get that sharing emotion over text is very difficult but if you’re getting nothing from him since the first week probably best to move on. Find People who want to hang out with you.

  3. My golden rule is if he’s sending mixed signals, you should heed the ones you don’t like. A meh relationship just isn’t worth it. If he’s only semi putting in effort now, and considering the fact that people are generally on their best behavior and trying to impress at the beginning of dating, you can expect things to either stay the same or get worse later on. You’re already bored with it, you’ll only get more bored and frustrated over time.

    I’m also getting slight potential cheater vibes from the way he seems to change in interest level at random times, that could be based on who else has his attention at the moment.

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