How much do you spend on makeup yearly?

  1. Probably around $1,000 and I need to stop, because no matter how many new things I try, I always come back to my OG faves.

  2. Nada. At least for now. I’ve never been big on the makeup side since I don’t know how to do it. Grew up fairly masculine but I am interested in makeup. As an artist, I love the way eyeliners and mascara highlight your eyes and how contouring molds your face through shading. But I haven’t spend anything yet. If I gave a estimate for the future, it would probably be like Php300 a year, which is like Usd6, possibly Usd5 if our money continues to lose value

  3. Propably something around 100-150€ I’m not a huge enthusiast but I do wear makeup to work and events.

  4. It averages out to maybe $1.50 haha. I buy a lip stain very rarely or a new tube of mascara when the old one gets too clumpy, so I buy a new item of makeup maybe once every 3 years. It’s a special occasion thing for me – weddings, anniversaries, etc. And my partner’s an extreme introvert so I’m more likely to do a home-cooked candlelit dinner for dates.

  5. Maybe $100? I don’t wear it often. I’ve invested in a few good eyeshadow pallets, but that’s about it.

  6. 70ish bucks, i guess. i mostly just stock up on concealer, mascara and brow pencils when i need to. i know i shouldn’t use em anymore, but some of my eyeshadows are 4+ years old

  7. $100-150. I usually wait for sales/black Friday/Ulta 21 days of beauty etc. I have go to eyeliners mainly and brow products

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