So, long story short. I really like kissing and having sex, but I always think of all nasty sexual diseases when I met someone new. So, when girls want to kiss me (under 20th date) I just deny them and lie that I am bad kisser, which leads to a circle of lies because once I told girls it’s because of me not trusting people and their sexual health – I become weirdo and crazy person for that girls.

Pls tell me what to do and am I just wierd?

  1. Yeah that’s weird. Health is important yes, but you don’t have to lie. You can say you’re not ready to kiss or have sex yet. Maybe you should talk about your health and hers before the 20th date, maybe by date 6 when you think things are going good you talk about it. It’s not normal to think of diseases and to wait that long so you need to talk about both of your health expectations sooner

  2. Yeah that is weird, and you do know STD testing exists right? And that you should be doing that between different sexual partners and that it shouldn’t be insulting to ask for other people’s results before being sexual, right? Also not many diseases are carried via saliva so kissing shouldn’t be that scary of a thing that you refuse to until many dates down the line.

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