Hello everyone An ex dumped me 6month ago, we stayed friends for a while before telling her we shouldn’t be friends anymore and going on no contact. 3month later she contact me with random jokes or questions once a month. I ignore or answer politly every time.

She came back this week according to her snapchat stories, I felt like she wanted me to see it but maybe i’m reading way too much into this. Yesterday at the end of afternoon I casually asked her to meet for a drink the same day, she said she was down before cancelling 2hours later because she was tired due to jetlag and asked me whenever I was free again because she wanted to meet up another time.

Would you cancel if there is any attraction left for someone? How do you think I should do things if we meet again?

Tl;dr: ex reached out multiple time herself the past months, asked her out for a drink for the same day, she said yes before cancelling because she is jetlagged and very tired and asked me when I was free because she still want to meet. If she was interested would she cancel even if tired?

  1. >If she was interested would she cancel even if tired?

    Would you?

    I probably would, tbh. If I’m too tired to leave the house and go out for a drink I’m definitely going to be too tired to have any kind of serious conversation with somebody while I’m there.

  2. A better question, does it matter? You two broke up for a reason. Do you have any cause to think the problems in your relationship that caused you two to break up are fixed? Because sometimes people do get back together, and then they usually end up with an even worse break up after an even less pleasant relationship.

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