I had a fling with this girl at work that had a boyfriend (I know dumb move). Anyways she got engaged and we haven’t talked for over a year. Not long after she got engaged she left my department and I told her I think it will be best that we don’t talk or see each other anymore. She tried to pull the friendship card before she left but I said no. The other day I see her back in my department and my jaw dropped. She tries to make small talk and asks me if I’m ready to be friends. I told her no and asked why is she back and she said because she misses the place. It baffles me she chose to come back after we literally made our lives hell. It also upsets me because I had finally moved on and was in a good place with my life.

  1. It sounds like she’s moved on and wants to genuinely be friends. I don’t understand but it seems like you’re taking her coming back to the department as an attack against you or something? I don’t think it has anything to do with you.

  2. becuase she wants to use you as an emotional boy toy. While her fiance gets all the physical perks.

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