Hahahahahah the only thing that helps me to deal with this is finding those things funny.

Man, I work at this coffee shop and he is very handsome, I fear more intimate conversations specially if it is someone I have a crush on.

So I decided and I said :

“Do you live nearby?“
“Yes, just there” pointing the finger
“Hmm, nice, I’ve seen you around so I presumed you lived close”

He said then

“Yah, I teach at a school bla bla”

“What do you teach?”

“I teach arts”

Then my other coworkers approached and they were looking at me.
I’m gay, but I’m not openly gay so I still hide it.

They were literally observing me flirting, I was angry at them.
I started getting nervous, and I said

“There were some students here today, art students….. they… showed me some of…. Their frames.. you know, very nice…. There… is a leaflet there *pointed my finger at it* so someone is teaching how to draw…. I’ll probably take some classes… soon”

Hahaahahhahaha, I said all that visibly nervous, and I could see my coworkers at the kitchen later mocking me.
They probably realized I was flirting.

Which I don’t care because I wanna everyone to know I’m gay now.

But that was tough.
I felt horrible afterwards.

He was literally like “hmmm that is great”

Hahahahahahah, shit bro, English is my second language so when I get nervous I can’t speak at all.

If that guy had a crus on me as well (which seemed like he had/has) that went away today


Anyways, what comforts me is knowing I at least stepped up even though it was cringe.

  1. Glad you can see the humor in what happened and brush it off. Here’s my crash and burn attempt at flirting.

    I was out drinking with some friends. I saw cute woman at the bar. I went up to say hi and found out it was her birthday. I offered to buy her a birthday shot of tequila.

    She accepted. I toasted her a happy birthday. As we drank the tequila, I accidentally inhaled it and choked. I spit the tequila out all in her face. She angrily walked back to her table of friends.

    I was sorry, but couldn’t help laughing at what had just happened while my friends laughed with, but mostly at me…

    I hope that woman’s birthday was only uphill from there.

  2. Here’s my experience: If the person is attracted to you, seeing you get nervous around them is cute, not cringe. It’s also probably a great thing for them to experience because if they are socially pretty good, they know full well that this means you are also attracted to them.
    I’m no expert about whether things work differently between two men, but I don’t think so in this case. So no worries!

  3. I get that hot guy is hot, but try it with a guy in your league next time and I promise you’ll be pleased with the results

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