Just doing my tax return (joy)

It’s asking me to declare the £7728 I had in the first 3 SEISS grants, even though I already declared them last year and paid the tax on them, didn’t receive any for this previous year.

Basically it looks like it’s asking me to pay the tax on it again?

I’ve left it as zero but the big red warning box telling me I haven’t declared it is a little concerning.

Anyone any wiser than I am?

  1. Remove that section if it doesn’t apply or change your answer to whatever question brought it up

  2. You didn’t get a grant last August? That would be in this tax year.[edit: by ‘this’ I mean 2021/22]

    [edit 2: also – phone them, they are usually pretty helpful]

    [edit 3: SEISS Payments were 5/20, 8/20, 12/20, 4/21, 8/21 – with the last 2 being in the latest tax year]

  3. Hey TheBigJorkowski I have the same thing, I phoned HMRC this morning and they said they are aware of it and that its a glitch! They told me not to file it and wait a couple of days while they fix the issue. I hope this helps!

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