just for some background, i ended my monogamous relationship back in july and had a clean STD test following the relationship.

i recently had unprotected sex. the first time it happened was about a week prior to the time of this post. i was experiencing absolutely no symptoms after that point. i then had unprotected sex with him again a few days after the first time. immediately after sex (the second time) i noticed a light brown discharge. the morning after, the discharge was continuing with slight cramping but now i am experiencing extreme cramping in my lower back, dizziness, nausea, unable to sleep because of the pain. i am pretty much 100% sure he gave me chlamydia. he is the only guy i’ve slept with since my last clean test. but so many people say that they experience no symptoms and especially not this early on. could it be something worse? please help me out.

  1. Get tested and in the meantime don’t freak out. It could just be BV or a yeast infection or a UTI. All of these things are rather easily treatable.

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