I was at a national academic competition for something I’ve worked very hard at for 2 years. I’m not amazing but I’m good enough to play at nationals. The competition was part of a larger convention, so there was a lot of socializing. I traveled there with some people from my new school who I only knew a few of. They seemed nice and we were good.

Then they met this kid from another state who is much better at this competition than me and they all hung out with him. I felt incredibly lonely. I tried hanging out with some other people, but they weren’t really interested (probably because I’m much younger) and the only people my age were excluding me.

On the last day, I found out that they created a group chat and I asked to be added to it. No one answered.

This was all in July. I thought it wasn’t a thing anymore until I heard kids from school talking about the group chat. I texted the kid who started it on Instagram and asked if he could add me. He said “I can’t sorry.”

What am I supposed to do? Most of my friends at school are in it. Making friends at school is hard enough.

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