So last week, I went to pickup my prescription at the pharmacy. There was a super cute girl working at the counter who helped me. I complimented on her tattoo and was just saying stupid stuff. I think she was more focused on her job. But lately i cant stop thinking about her and want to go back to ask her out.

So i went back to the pharmacy a few days later, and she wasn’t there. Decided to go 2 days later and the day after that. She wasnt working any of those days and its been bumming me out.

I dont want to feel like a stalker and i dont even know her name. I just want to ask if she wants to have a cup of coffee with me but im really shy but i told myself i have nothing to lose so eff it.

Im assuming shes on vacation or maybe shes on break the times ive tried to go or maybe shes hiding under the counter to avoid me.

I live in a big city so running into her outside her job is basically impossible. Im trying to at least get an answer but i feel like im just being creepy now. Also the pharmacy is in a cvs, so when i go in, i pretend to buy something so its not awkward lol.

What do i do? This girl gave me butterflies in my stomach and my oxytocin levels are going crazy right now. I just want to have a normal conversation with her and see if theres any spark or chemistry.

Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated.

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