if you could permanently change just one thing about your relationship (or relationships in general), what would it be?

  1. More emotional intimacy. I’m tired most days of having to be the strong man who handles all the hard things in our life.

  2. For all relationships: I’d ban all dating apps. Everyone needs to learn social skills and meet in real life now.

  3. I tell her that getting this dog was going to end everything because I’m highly allergic to them. Oh wait, I did say that 2 years ago so now I’m saving my money to move out because she refuses to leave the apartment that I worked to get and I found for us and she just sat around and complained and did nothing well I searched and earned money

  4. I wish my lady would do the sexual things she hints at without me having to initiate things first. Its cool to be in the middle of sex and some freaky shit goes down. It’s COOLER to be in the moddle.of.mindint my damn business and it goes down. You’re not a freak if you need a green light to go…..just go…. 🤷🏿‍♂️💯 Ive told her this a number of times. Thats what I’m here for. But I’m not complaining. She’ll figure it out eventually. 😅

  5. I would personally like to see a world where nobody is able to lie to their partners, no matter the reason or how big the lie is, and where everybody just says what they mean instead of keeping quiet

  6. I would cure my wife’s (diagnosed) narssicistic personality disorder (NPD) — but, sadly, that is a proven impossibility, even with extensive therapy. This is the source of our 15 year DB and total lack of any intimacy, even emotional intimacy, and other emotional abuse. Please don’t tell me to divorce because I have already worked through this option with my therapist and decided to stay for several important personal reasons.

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