What does having multiple cats make you think about a single woman?

  1. Well, every single unspoken for woman I’ve ever met with multiple cats has had severe depression, so that.

  2. That if you anger her she has the option of throwing cats at you and she has spare ammunition. I don’t want to be clawed to death, so these are the women that I’m extra nice to. Beware the Cat Lady with a grudge.

  3. doesn t bother me as long as kept clean..If I can smell cat box in there I am out of there..I like all animals have no problem with pets Long as cared for and clean

  4. Depends on how her house smells. If it smells like cat piss, I don’t think we are going to be friends.

  5. Well that completely depends on if she takes proper care of them or not. If I see a single malnourished cat I’m leaving homie

  6. That’s she is probably the kind of person who says “cats don’t have owners, they have servants”

  7. That it wouldnt date her, not because she is a cat lady but because I’m allergic to cat hair. i can handle one cat but multiple is too much

  8. As a single dude with 2 cats, I’m here for it. It’s like the Brady bunch but made for 2022 when people can’t afford kids so they get pets instead.

  9. It depends on the number, but, I have come to realize that five cats is my personal limit.

    I think that, past two, you already have to spend an amount of time I’m not willing to spend to give them an acceptable quality of life and I, personally, would only ever get two cats because cats in shelters tend to make deep friendships that I wouldn’t want to separate.

    But every house that I’ve gone, that didn’t have an excessive amount of disposable income, that had more than 2-3 cats starts to be messy to the point where it’s not healthy anymore and I don’t like that.

    I also find it weird to have a zoo at home. I make friendships with animals I like and/or care for. I dedicate them tons of time and treat them to plenty of gifts. I wouldn’t be able to have so many animals and properly care for them and, in my experience, neither can anybody else.

    In a word, distrust. I feel like there’s something going on with this person (I know men, too, btw) that is causing them to care for this many animals. I also distrust that they’ll take me seriously enough because, with the amount of commitment they have to these pets, they’ll most likely always be a priority before me.

    But, more importantly, imagine a man had this many care animals. Or, since men and women are socialized differently and we’re raised to provide instead of care, imagine a man who has three or more jobs, despite every single one being able to provide him a livable wage and good disposable income. Would you recommend a female friend of yours to date that man? If not, for what reasons? The same applies here.

    Sometimes, in our love, desire and pursuit of women, we as men also ignore massive red flags that, in the long run, will hurt us in ways unimaginable. Specially since, again, given male socialization, it’s not as easy for us to navigate through traumatic experiences. Not to mention the fact that you’ll rarely be seen as a victim in any couple related issues, so you’ll have close to zero support and comfort.

    So, I’d check it out to see how she is and how she deals with her cats. But, for the most part, I wouldn’t feel very comfortable with that.

  10. I know someone who worked at a humane society and had 9 cats. Walking in to her house, you would never know. It was clean, smelled good, the cats preferred to stay away from strangers until they got to know you. The only clues were the cat toys and climbing trees. She had large litter boxes out of sight that she cleaned twice a day, and used a hand vac on her furniture daily. She was a very kind and caring person whose SO was just as awesome.

    All of that to say, it largely depends on having a system that works as far as caring for the animals properly and keeping your house clean, and your dedication to sticking to that system no matter how tedious it may be.

  11. “Multiple” is too broad. 1-3: Fine 4-5: Increase awareness 6+: Probability of being a Crazy Cat Lady jumps 10% each cat over 5.

  12. That she’s only single because we didn’t meet in time. 😀

    Wife and I love our cats most of the time. One of them really has it out for my wife though. We had to get a cat for one of our cats. She was a solo rescue and our older cats were being assholes. Her little bro is now 3 times her size and ninja bouncy. He’s unreal. No hesitation, if he wants it, he’s going all in, and he often gets it and makes off to Narnia with his haul.

  13. How many cats?

    How does her house smell.

    How does she smell?

    There are several factors that I would need to know

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