My gf and I (m26 f24)have known each other so long now and having sex with her is amazing. I do have some secret kinks that I’d like to bring up to her. I’ve mentioned some or a few here and there but I’d like to take it to the next level with her. However She is amazing and I don’t wanna make her feel like she needs to do something she doesn’t wanna do . Makes me wonder if she has any secret kinks that I don’t know about too. It’s just super awkward for me to open up to even her about it all.

  1. In my experience, I didn’t really know what I found kinky or not until hubby and I started having explicit conversations about it. It’s like I was sitting there really dying to try [REDACTED]*. But once we had a conversation about it, and I could see why he was curious and interested in it, I became curious and interested too!

    So if I were you… Well, do you talk about sex with her? If not, start there! Talk about the sex you already have. What activities do you like and why do you like them? Have those conversations. Then, once you’ve talked a bit more about what’s already familiar, you can start to branch out. And talking about WHY you like these things can be a bridge to different activities that you could both like for the same reasons. Say, hubby and talk about how much we like oral sex for both of us because it’s so intimate. We’re kissing and licking and tonguing very intimate parts of one another’s body. It’s very deeply intimate. So when we talked about doing other things, like [REDACTED], I could see how that too was really an expression of the same sort of intimacy….

    * I’m mostly being silly here. The point is, whatever it is for you, dear reader…

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