Do you know how to cook?

  1. Hell yeah

    One of my favorite things to do for decompressing after work

    Also none of gfs have been able to cook so I prefer to eat what I make vs what they burn

  2. I know enough to eyeball whether or not a recipe is good, follow it, and get the expected outcome.

    If I’m just cooking by the seat of my pants in the kitchen, I’m probably not doing much more than roasting a cut of meat and some vegetables seasoned with a mix.

  3. Cooking is as close as I come to artistry in my life.

    I can’t play you an instrument or paint you a picture or anything, but I can make you an ugly meal that tastes and smells delicious.

  4. When I started cooking for myself I went by the basic rule that for vegetables cook until soft
    For meat cook until piping hot all the way through
    Chicken cook until white all the way through.
    Pasta cook til soft.

    After that I started experimenting and now cook well for my family.

    I’m no chef but basic household cooking is fine

  5. advanced basics, I’d say, I know how to make a good pasta dish and some stews [also see Japanese curry]

  6. yea but once the recipes start having 9-10 ingredients is when I just go to my basic shit

    Because of you cook all the time then you’ll use the spices you buy. But if you don’t then they just end up being thrown away 3-4 years later never used again

  7. Absolutely, why eat to live when you can live to eat. Plus, it’s socially acceptable to drink while you cook in my household

  8. Cooking has always been my favourite hobby but now i live alone, so it has become a necessity.

  9. Yes. We’ll enough to get full,make my gf go “ahh,that’s nice” and make my mother run from kitchen holding her head.

    I love cooking.

  10. Most definitely! I grew up in a big Mexican family. One of the rules my mom had was you either help cook or help clean up after. I always helped cook

  11. Haven’t given myself food poisoning these past few decades, so sure. Basic skill everyone ought to have.

  12. Yes. It is a survival skill that everyone should know how to do. I learned from my great grandmother.

  13. Of course. I am an adult who needs to eat. Who wants to be dependent on other people for something as important as nutrition.

    Besides, it’s fun, it impresses people, and is great for social events.

  14. Yes.

    Its a basic life skill that everyone should have. Don’t know what you do if you don’t know how to cook. Spend all your money at restaurants?

  15. Not really. I can make rice and beans, or fry up some eggs, and some simple things like that, but I’m a pretty bad cook overall. When I try to cook something more elaborate, it usually comes out worse and I end up spending more money, so I generally avoid it. I mostly eat takeout or buy prepared meals that I can heat up, I have quite a few talents, culinary skills are not one of them.

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