I’m gonna be hitting the gym soon and I’ve been wondering if I can consider “hitting the gym” as an extracurricular activity that I can talk about on my college application?

  1. I would say no, because it not one unless it’s something that is done with a sports team

    “hitting the gym” isn’t something that matter when a college is deciding if they want you taking their English 101 class.

  2. Unless you’re going into physical therapy or something, probably not.

    Now if you are a physical trainer or teach classes, that’s different.

  3. Probably not. When American colleges ask about “extracurricular activities” they’re looking for leadership qualities, teamwork building, or academic pursuits beyond compulsory education.

    You could, and may as well, include it. But exercising is more self-care than an “extracurricular activity”. If you coached weightlifting on the weekends, that they would consider more relevant.

  4. Not for a college application. Extra curricular activity is something you do at school outside of school work. Unless there is a gym club at your school, I don’t see that being something to put on there.

  5. Extracurricular activities are generally school related, community related, charities, etc. Your own individual hobbies are not typically relevant. They don’t care if you lift weights, play poker, or go to the library.

  6. I don’t think so. You could list it if it was part of an organized activity.

    You can definitely talk about it in a college interview especially if it is a specific set program you do with regularity.

    I wouldn’t include just “hitting the gym” on an application.

    Source: am an interviewer for my alma mater.

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