Hey guys
So a month ago my girlfriend and I had sex the day after her period
And we used a condom but the condom slipped off to the tip before ejaculation but didn’t fall. We removed it instantly and put a new one.
I got worried about precum making its way in.
So we waited for her period.
Her period now is 6 days late so I gave her a test to take today in the morning.
After 2-3 minutes it came out negative.
Should I still be worried?
Her period usually is between 26 to 35 days long but there’s 2 months that were 40 and 39 days long.
thanks all.

  1. I’m not a doctor. However. The way a female cycle works is that when a woman ovulates then after a period of time her period starts. That window is when one can get pregnant, before the period. Immediately after the period is not viable for life. The cycle should be about 28 days long(roughly) and the period of time that she’s fertile is a small fraction of that.

    Again not a doctor but you should be ok if it was the day after her period. That being said if seeing a doctor and having them perform the test would lessen the anxiety for either of you then it may be worth it to make the appointment. Letting things fester in your worry brain will only complicate matters for your mental health and well being.

  2. If she has such irratic periods I really wouldn’t worry, she may want to get that looked into through unless she’s on birth control which I gather she’s not since the post. I’m pretty certain she’s not pregnant. 6 days ‘later isn’t actually late especially if a cycle is as chaotic as hers. My cycle has been chaotic since my covid vaccination anything from 26 days to 33, I personally wouldn’t panic until 35 or more days had passed. If her test was negative its probably correct, stressing about being pregnant will also contribute to a later period.

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