All my life until now I have devoted to studying and career and focusing on getting the top results and this is why I have not had the time for a relationship, but it seems I have missed on important stages of life. Recently, I started to feel overwhelmed by feelings of jealousy when I see happy couples everywhere.

Where I live there is this couple who are exactly ideal. They seem genuinely in love with each other. They are around 3-4 years older than me and have been living across my place for the last 2 years. When they moved in I was hopeful I would be like them soon and felt good seeing them, but now that nothing has changed when I see them together I get depressed knowing that they are having fun and I am single. Knowing that they sleep together spooning each night, while I sleep on my own makes me frustrated. I want to stop thinking about them, but when I see them, which is impossible to not happen, I start feeling like that they are winning in life and I am losing. I am afraid that they will continue to be more and more happy – have children and raise them, have grandchildren and live their old days in happiness, while I die single. Also, they seem to be pretty rich, despite their young age, so that doesn’t help me being less jealous.

Will things go better for me?

TL; DR: I feel I am loosing out on important stages of my life and also envy others, because they have what I want.

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