After having a good night at your friend’s house, how do you prefer to thank them and let them know that you had a good night? verbal or by text after leaving?

  1. Verbal. I just dap him up give him the bro hug and say “yo thanks for having me over man.”

  2. Text. I tell them I got home safely and that I had a good time hanging out. Two birds with one stone.

  3. I do the classic one armed hug, see ya bro take care, keep em guessing for a couple days and send a message saying “haha how cooked was Friday tho”

  4. I’m a guy living in fly over America:

    *palms to knees, firmly enough to make a slight slapping noise

    “Welp!” – this must be said in a drawn out way

    Stand slowly, keeping hands on knees longer than necessary

    “It’s been fun but I should go.”

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