Before coming here I saw 2 videos of police officers “unlawfully”, as it was described, arresting people. I don’t know why they do it, but it seems to be something, “common” should I say? something that happens, and its not so rare.

What do you do if you get arrested for something like that?

  1. I’ve never had to nor has anybody know. but 2 videos in a nation of 330,000,000 is not q whole lot now is it? This isn’t to say it doesn’t happen, but in theory that’s why we have jury trials

  2. Get a layer and sue, that’s about all you can do but if you can afford a decent lawyer it’s pretty effective.

  3. If you’re somewhat wealthy, get a lawyer.

    If you’re poor, just do your time. There’s a reason police harass poor people.

  4. Get a lawyer and sue. Unfortunately there isn’t much recourse, individual police are generally immune to being punished for breaking the law (while on duty as police, although often when off duty their buddies look the other way) and police departments don’t pay settlements out of their budget so even a big lawsuit victory isn’t much deterrence. oh well what can ya do!

  5. It does not happen as often as the internet makes it seem. Very rare. Innocent people do not get arrested.

  6. Honestly, I have no clue. This has never happened to me or to anyone I know. I’d imagine I would need to lawyer up.

  7. Unlawful arrests are not a common occurrence in the US although the media would like you to believe so. It is not an issue you ever have to worry about if you follow the laws.

  8. You saw 2 videos of something so unusual it was noteworthy and you’re asking if it is common? No.

    “Common” means it’s not newsworthy, it happens daily, all the time, it’s just accepted, it’s part of life for most of us, it’s like going to the dentist. “Whoops, got accosted and arrested today, 3rd time this year lol!”

    These are *very* isolated incidents.

  9. It’s not as common as you might think from the internet. You can also be cuffed and let go without being formally arrested. Complaints about false arrests are usually a comparison to other people, and not that the person got arrested for literally no reason. Lots of people get verbally combative with an officer over a traffic ticket they think is unfair. Some people may be arrested over it. They might say it was a false arrest because other people do it without getting arrested. But does an officer say “sir, you were going 42 in a 35” and rip you out of the car and throw you in the cruiser? No.

  10. That’s what lawyers are for. Cops are fought in court room, not on the street because on the street they always win.

  11. We would have to see the video. Many times people are only being detained during the investigation of a crime. You can be handcuffed and placed in a police car without being arrested. Unlawful arrests are fought in the court system. It is very uncommon for an unlawful arrest to happen.

    Can you link the videos?

  12. This is not common. Does it happen, absolutely, but it’s not common in the sense that the average person has to think about being unlawfully arrested as part of their daily lives or really think about it ever.

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