My girlfriend has dealt with some drama on Instagram this girl doesn’t like her because of her age she’s 29 almost 30 this girl is 18. Every time she tries to make up with her and adds her back she always leaves her out everything she made a group chat with her and her 2 best friends and left her out her friends are 18 and 20. Then she texted one of her friends telling her she rather accocitate with people who are more her age. Now her followers are trying to get her to add her back and apologize but she has nothing to apologize for she left her out and sent rude messages to her friends she should be apologizing. It scares her she’ll lose another friend she had one message her saying she needed to talk to her she blocked her. Now another one of her friends are bestfriends with her she’s worried she’ll ask her to. She doesn’t get why people are trying to get her to accocitate with her when she hates her she needs to grow up and act like an adult no 18 year old should act like that if she didn’t wanna be friends with a 30 year old she shouldn’t have followed her in the first place. Until she apologizes she wants nothing to do with her. she’s afraid she’s gonna spred rumors about her. How can I comfort her? What should I say to her?

  1. One thing you could do is make a video discussing your point of view so that the followers of both sides can get an unbiased point of view (technically speaking) before any rumours can be spread. Do one of those make up videos where people do there make up as they tell the story.

    Note: Find an unbiased Witness to help promote your side of the story.

  2. This sounds ridiculous. Why is your girlfriend (30) obsessing about what an 18 year old is going to say? Tell her to stop trying to be best friends with her, get a grip…

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