I hate being brown sometimes. I hate how brown girls are the least favourite type. Brown, olive, dark skin girls I mean specifically. Not the white passing brown girls.
Honestly East Asians are now pretty much on the same boat as the white girls.

  1. I would instead work on how you feel about your own skin. Improving your relationship with your own race and skin colour would be a lot beneficial.

  2. So, I personally prefer Latina women, preferably the brown, dusky ones. Honestly, you just need to find the right ones, or maybe avoid people who are just shallow and look at skin color IG.

    You are who you are, love yourself first, then look for love outside.

  3. It’s all the societal beauty standards. If we compare to that we never feel worthy enough. Please don’t fit in. I once was in a similar place, now I feel so comfortable with how I look. It all started from appreciating myself and the self-love journey. We all are beautiful don’t let others define the beauty standards.

  4. I Think you hang around too many white people or you wanna date whites only. Plenty of races will find you super attractive including your own .. stop this self hate and work on yourself ..

  5. Don’t let these people invalidate your feelings. We live in a society that projects thin white women as the ideal form of beauty. Yes, it’s normal to feel self-conscious y
    If you don’t conform to that. I assure you, you wouldn’t be getting all this hate if you were an overweight white woman complaining about people ideolozing thin women. As a fellow minority woman, I get it. It’s hard when society keeps saying people who look like you aren’t pretty enough.

  6. But guess what, there are not enough white girls for everyone who wants to be with one. So you will have enough men still interested in you out of pure necessity of gender/race-ratios.

  7. Did you ever watch the TV show “The Office”? A main character was a woman from India and she was dam hot!

  8. I’m asian and i feel like sometimes, i’m the only person on earth. Jeez. Life is too short to give some fucks. Enjoy it while you can.

  9. Do they? In my experience as a black woman that’s not the case. And please please don’t define your worth bu how men are attracted to you. The more attractive you are to a guy the more of an object you are

  10. Maybe you need to stop chasing white dudes and try to get to know other men from your own race? idk just an idea. That and developing a sense of self-respect would be great. “White worship” isn’t a good trend to be following. Alot of Asian cultures are guilty of this (men and women alike), but there is so much richness, diversity and beauty to your own culture and looks that you are dismissing.

  11. Been here; you’ll learn that authenticity trumps being the cookie cutter white woman, and you’ll wish you could go back in time and tell your younger self how much she should have valued herself.

  12. IDK, I’ve (white M56) have been recently appreciating just how pretty browned skinned women look. So natural and refreshing. And they don’t slather on make-up and have better skin.

    I don’t feel a barrier toward dating them. And I have in the past. I’m just never sure if they feel the same way about me. A lot of brown skinned women don’t want to rip it up with a white guy. Many just aren’t that cool.

  13. White 24M here- I actually don’t prefer white girls. I’d take a gorgeous dark gal anyday of the week. We may not be the “norm,” but don’t let that prevent you from finding someone that truly wants you. We are out there and we will find you or in turn, you find us, one way or another.

  14. This is more so stemming from an internal insecurity. Were you shamed growing up about your skin tone, or rejected by someone? Think back and try to see examples of interracial couples they happen all the TIME!

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