I have a friend I’ve been really close to for 2 years and he’s normally great at texting but recently he’s been taking a week+ to text me back every time we talk. Each time he replies he’ll reply he’ll be like “I’m so sorry I forgot” then do the same thing again. And he’ll be like “I’m terrible at replying” but I’ve known him long enough to know that isn’t the case

This time he replied again like a week and half later and was like “so sorry I forgot” he didn’t even reply to my messages just started a new random convo related to this video game he’s been obsessed with recently which is kind of what I want advice on

It might sound dumb but I felt this distance start growing between us when he became obsessed with this game. It’s when he starred replying to me less. I don’t play this game at all and he loves is which is cool and I’m happy it makes him happy but it’s all he talks about. It’s all he posts about on social media (again that’s cool he can post what he likes on his account of course and I can just scroll past). I didn’t mind before because it was cool to hear about the game but it now dominates the conversation whenever he does dm and I just…I’m not into this game and I don’t intend to play it so our conversations just feel a little…annoying? He also recently made a new discord server for a few of our friend (we used to have one but he deleted it) so I joined and there’s only about 5 people but all the conversations were just about this game so I left. Not in a rude way (I didn’t think they’d notice lol) just genuinely felt I’m not into this game so don’t need to be in this server. He actually asked why I left the server and I just because it’s mostly about this game which I just don’t really know anything about so you know

I just feel like I’m being a b***h and a bad friend like I don’t want him to feel bad about talking about his interests to me. Nobody should be made to feel bad for being excited about what they love and I’m sure if it was something I was interested in too I wouldn’t feel like this which is why I feel bad. I also feel bad because I’ve seen him talk to others about this game and they’re like “yeah I’m gonna play it” “so cool” etc and I’m like, is that also how I should be responding ☹️ i don’t know I’m just not feeling that great right now and I feel like I’m kind of in the wrong here

  1. Dude, it’s not your fault you aren’t coincidentally in the same target audience of that particular game. He’s super into that game right now, let him have fun. Yeah, it sucks that he’s not chatting with you much and talking about anything else, but be happy for him that he enjoys this so much.
    If I’m reading this correctly you guys are at an age where I don’t think talking to him about how you value certain things in a friendship etc. would make all that much sense, but I could be wrong. In which case, go talk to him about how it would be great if you catch up on everything else in life besides that game.
    But then what if that’s what his life is all about right now? Isn’t that boring for you anyway? So let him be for a while and ask yourself whether you depend on this friend so much?

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