Would you receive that with good will as though it a compliment or would you be in some sense offended?

The context would be someone asked for your opinion on a matter and after your response they offhandedly called you this.

  1. Well, I think it’s better than being called “simple”. So I would take it as a compliment from someone who possibly didn’t understand your opinion.

  2. I’d probably say something like “No more than anyone else, I reckon.” Unless they specifically intended something by it, it’s kind of a meaningless observation. Everybody is complex if you take the time to look closely.

  3. I would take it as a big compliment! Then again as I get older, I get more and more easy-going and more difficult to offend.

  4. Depends on the opinion, since the word “complex” is so broad.

    Your take on the works of Stanley Kubrick? Good.
    Thoughts on pizza toppings? Befuddled.
    Politics? They can’t tell where you stand. Or they disagree and can’t figure out a better way to be polite about it.

    The rule of thumb, however, is to take things in the spirit they were given and to assume good intent unless you have reason to believe otherwise.

  5. Most guys can be simplified into a certain type (health nut, craft beer guy, workaholic) we are all complex in our own right. Like Im a firefighter which some people would consider my whole personality, but if you know me I am into gardening house plants and cats so there is allot more to it then that. I would take it as a small compliment.

  6. It’s like saying “you’re a human” though they may have meant it as an insult/a dismissal of your opinion.

    Truth is,
    Our physical bodies are multilayered systems working with each other. – a complex
    Our personality is a collection of different factors i.e. race, religion, denser identity, sexuality etc – a complex
    Our relationships and the ways they work are complex structures.
    Every part of life is complex. So one way or the other, we are too. ♥️

  7. I wouldn’t care. Sounds like you should just have confidence in yourself and not worry about it. If the person makes obvious put downs all the time, then cut them loose.

  8. I take it as a compliment, unless someone said I had “a” complex, then I would be offended.

  9. I would be inclined to query what exactly they meant before making any rash decisions.

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