The hotel for two nights is just over £300 (central location) but I was thinking of budgeting around £200 for food and drinks, the few attractions we have booked, tube travel, and I suppose any impromptu events that you need to pay for, like entry to a Bonfire Night event (unsure if they’ll be free).

In your opinion, is that enough? Train to and from London has already been paid for too.

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  2. If it’s just for you I would say that seems reasonable. Depends on where you go of course but there are Wetherspoons everywhere so you can get away with a decent costing breakfast, lunch, dinner, tea, coffee, or a pint!

  3. Really really consider anywhere else ”Burn a Catholic“ night has no meaning in London these days indeed never has !

    Guy Forks night has more tradition in the North , through my best bonfire nights were in a small English market town of Wallingford when I and my now wife were in Uni !


  4. Make sure you go to the Battersea Fireworks! They’re arguably the most famous ones we have and it’s a pretty good atmosphere. Tickets are about £10ish. It’s a nice part of London.

  5. I’m going to be in London for bonfire night too, although just coincidentally. Any good places to go to see some fireworks?

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