Just as a way to “cut to the chase”, because for some people, this is important. We’re advertising many other major parts of our lives, why not income?

It wouldn’t be a precise number, instead an income range. Also, it’d have to be verified by tax return. This would be an optional detail, of course.

What do you think?

  1. I mean, if we’re going to share income, we should also share the last 4 of our SSN, your mother’s maiden name, and the city where you were born. My potential date should just have all of that information at their fingertips.

  2. Lol imagine having to tell people how much you make on a dating profile?

    OP, just advertise yourself on one of those sugar daddy websites and find yourself a woman that wants to be with you for your money.

  3. LOL good luck with this. And you say VERIFIED? Let’s start with HEIGHT first and WEIGHT. Have people step on a scale and a measuring platform. Have them hold a newspaper, same day. Have them record the video. That’s much more important than income. People actually being who they say they are and not catfishes. And also make people only use pictures they take on that day with the app. No makeup or weird angles.

    Then we will see how dramatically different the dynamic becomes. Of course this won’t work to help dating apps make money because no one (especially women) would sign up.

  4. No lol. Why? Just ask them what they do for a living when you’re on the date or when you’re initially talking to them lol. And then do your research into how much that occupation earns.

  5. I think that I would never provide my tax return to a dating app under any circumstances. That is just absurd.

    There are dating sites already that give you the option to disclose your income range already. Personally I don’t find that has made any difference whatsoever.

    This is also part of the problem with dating apps in general. What happened to actually getting to know someone?

    These days might as well include everything there is to know about you before the first date, have sex, get married the next day and then drive into a river.

  6. i bet you can’t find a woman with all that money and need to put some income figure (verified by tax return WTF) in a dating app just to get more matches.

  7. “cut to the chase”? I have never in my life been asked how much i make and i have never asked someone else. If someone is able to live a lifestyle that is compatible with mine, that’s all i need to see regarding their income.

  8. … I mean you can be as specific as you want with your job title, which is a common field.

    People can extrapolate your income range from that if they want.

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