For those who work the typical 40 hour week, if you had a 3 day weekend, what would you do with the extra time?

  1. Read more. I work 5 days a week now but I used to work three 12 hour shifts and I just stayed in and read on my days off. I would rather have one of the days during the week off, so I could run errands easier.

  2. I want a 3 day weekend so I can have 1 day to do chores, 1 day to do social stuff, and 1 day to do absolutely nothing. These days I end up doing 2 of the 3 – it would be great if I could have all 3 every weekend.

  3. I have a 3 and a half day weekend and it’s awesome. I travel, clean, work out, okay video games, etc.

    Not working 5 days a week does wonders for your mental health.

  4. Have a day to just rest. My Saturday and Sunday are often filled with chores and obligations so any time I do get a 3 day weekend due to a holiday, one of the days is spent purely for rest and enjoyment.

  5. I used to work four 10-hour days and have a 3 day weekend. It was ok at first, but I would definitely not recommend it for a job that’s physically demanding. I literally spent the first day off sleeping, so in reality it was more like a 2 day weekend instead of 3. I’ll stick with the 5 8’s that I got now.

  6. Run errands, schedule doctor’s appointments, do my hobbies, enjoy time outdoors, go on little weekend trips, clean the house, work out, take a class, read, watch TV

  7. Write more, take more walks, play more video games, do more chores and stuff around the house, spend more time hanging out in coffee shops/cafes.

  8. Day 1 : Clean, house shores

    Day 2 : rest

    Day 3 : a day trip to a different city

    Might not be in that order though.

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