I don’t know if this post fits here, but I just want to vent a bit because I feel a bit lonely right now and my self confidence seems to have taken a hit. I don’t think I have anyone to openly discuss this with so I hope here is fine.

So, a little background about me: I’m 23 years old (M). I’ve never dated before so I thought online dating might be a decent place to start. I started trying around a month ago.

I mostly use Hinge because that’s where I get most of my matches. I got rid of Tinder in a week, and use Bumble on and off.

The thing is, most of my matches have led nowhere. Some okay conversations and some good ones. I got a little bit of a crush on one of my matches because we were vibing well but now I feel like she isn’t as interested. I get that it’s not a “her problem” but a “me problem” because I was the one who started liking her. It still hurts though 😕

I can’t help but feel very under confident right now, and some of my insecurities are starting to resurface. I’m not sure how to deal with all of this.

That’s about the gist of it. Thanks for reading and if anyone has any advice for me I’m happy to listen.

  1. Don’t worry mate, not getting many matches or chats is completely normal. Don’t lose your confidence

  2. You need to get into the gym for a while and then take good photos of yourself. If you look average, you will get filtered out.

    When it comes to texting: There are guides online you can follow that will increase likelihood of meeting up.

  3. Take some really good photos (a friend could help you with this lol). Be witty in conversations; use the voice chat function too! People I talked to would ask to connect elsewhere like IG when we click, which is good a sign of interest. Just enjoy their company and don’t get attached too easily. You’ll be fine 🙂

    On the flip side, online dating could really mess up our feelings from the expectations, or at least for me. Currently taking a break from all of it.

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