Please don’t come at me for this situation lol.

Disclaimer- We both live with our exes at this time, I know it’s very weird. She is supposed to be out by Nov 1. I am supposed to be out soon. He says I can come over whenever, obviously after she leaves.

I, 27f have been seeing a guy 29m for a few weeks. Since the 13th, we have been on 5 dates. We are both going thru a separation, mine is of 8 years (not married), his is or 12 years (married for 5- he SAYS they are legally separated)… so it’s nice we have each-other during all of this. We both have no clue how to “date” as the popularity of dating apps have been out after we started dating our S/O’s at the time .

He’s shown me where he works, what he does, where his parents live (which is just down the road from me, how weird), and where he lives as well (I’ve been in his house as well). This was all said on the 2nd&3rd date.

Since the 3rd date, things have felt a little off but he assures me everything is good. He just seems a bit more distant, he is usually sending me snaps and stuff when he gets home from work but it’s not as often. He also doesn’t text me as much now when he gets home either… but texts me from his work phone throughout the day when he’s at work.

I thought things were going good, but as I went to pause my dating app we met on, I noticed that he is back on the app showing to be 10km away from me.. when before it hasn’t even shown the distance.

Maybe I’m over reacting and need to not look and just relax. I’m not sure.

I was kind of hoping to go exclusive with him. But I don’t know when the appropriate time would be to have a conversation to do that at this point.

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