So, both me and my girl are in university (2nd year) and we here the first year students usually choose a person for an year above to be the godfather and godmother.
Some random guy from a neabry university started texting her on instagram and proposed she would be his godmother, and she entertained the idea. From then on he’s been texting her everyday, she responds, he even invited her for random activities (like running, she does not run for a sport), they never did any of them tho. But still talk everyday.
Last night she went party with her girlfriend, found him and he stayed with her all night.
She says she only wants me, and only sees him as a friend and that stuff “only has eyes for me”, fact is that i feel bothered with this, i am entitled to be? What should i do

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  2. Have u meet the guy?

    Personally I’d never be ok with my gf staying the night over at a guys house I didn’t know. And random dms on Instagram? Bro ur girl wild.

  3. My gut feeling is not a good one, but I feel like more information is needed. Do you know what they talk about? How did you find out she was with him all night at the party? Have you met him, or observed their mannerisms and body language around each other?

  4. Go get laid duh.

    Too many good women in this world go waste your time on this one.

    I’ve had girls tell me and their boyfriends how I was only a friend or “like a big brother” and even when both of us believed that shit they’d still end up in my bed.

    It’s bullshit. Don’t fall for it OP. If she only had eyes for you she would respect you enough to keep all of her male friends at a very healthy distance, not sleep in their bed getting their back blown out.

  5. Sounds like the guy is up to something. It is rather unlikely that he just wants university-related stuff from her.

    I do not know your gf but in general, it could be that she is just nice and that’s why she is tolerating him. Telling you everything is a good sign and the chances are high that she has no intentions with him. If she had it would have been much easier to hide their meet-up.

    As long as you do not have any solid proof besides your jealousy I would not confront her. If she is really faithful your jealousy would just damage your relationship.

    You should try to keep a close eye on the situation from a safe distance. Try to get a glimpse of that guy if possible and check out what he is doing.

  6. This is headed nowhere good. Not sure what exactly you can do. She is entertaining this and the the level of apparent disrespect is not good.

    Monitor this. It is a little sus they ended up together at club and together all night.
    No damn good, IMO

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