I was diagnosed with cancer the week after New Years this year and after 3 surgeries and 2 months of treatment I was given the all clear by my doctor and am cancer free as of last week. After the diagnosis and the surgeries that came after I was basically knocked on my ass. I stopped going to the gym (as it wasn’t a possibility at the time), my diet started to slip as I didn’t have the care to eat well, I’ve noticed myself generally just feeling detached and not so much myself the last few months, just kind of feeling lazy, less motivated and slacking off more at work, just kind of feeling like I’m drifting for the most part.

To me this makes sense since it’s been a tough year filled with some trauma and some familial difficulties beyond my own personal problems however I am taking my good news with stride and I’d like to basically get back on the horse, get myself back in shape (I’ve put on probably 20 lbs since the start of the new year which I’d like to work on – I used to weightlift regularly and would take spin classes a few times a week. I put my gym membership on a hold after getting the surgery done and haven’t touched a weight or done much cardio since then), feel like I can be motivated, and pretty much just move forward with life and get back to feeling like myself. So I am asking for any advice for those of you who have been in similar situations. I know myself and I think if I push through for a few weeks I’ll stick it out but I’d appreciate any practical advice on how to go about getting motivated and feeling like I can go back to being me.

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