I went on a first date with this girl from hinge and we really hit it off. Since then it has been more than a week (I was camping with my college friends last weekend) we have planned an outing next weekend but we don’t text that often, she takes a while to get back so I try not to text her too much so I don’t seem clingy. IDK I’m just kind of worried things are going too slowly and that she will lose interest.

What do you think?

  1. Typically at the start: one date per week. Sometimes, once every two weeks because folks have their own lives. Keep texting limited in between dates. It helps make her wonder about you a bit, you wont exhaust her with convos before the date, you won’t come across as needy and you’ll have more to talk about on the actual date. Eventually, she’ll start noticing how much fun she has with you on those dates and will want to see you more often. Then eventually she’ll be the one consistently reaching out to you (that’s when you’ll start getting those good morning texts from her), and you just keep planning dates and/or times to get together every time she reaches out

  2. If you want me to give my honest opinon – from PLENTY of data in my experiences and things people have told me of their own experiences – when someone’s texting frequency is suddenly less AFTER you meet, it’s most likely because they’re not THAT interested. Especially if it’s a woman.

    In these instances, I would say just act normally. Match her energy, with just a LITTLE extra if you really do like her. But don’t go above and beyond. And never ask more than twice. Be aloof but engaged. Don’t get unnecessarily attached. And do understand that no matter what ANYONE does – they have to act in their own best interest for what THEY WANT and that may not include you. And you have to respect that and be ok with it and do the same for yourself.

    That is my honest advice. Good luck.

  3. Generally, I agree with once a week, but going a little longer because of previously existing plans shouldn’t be an issue. If it IS, that’s kind of a red flag.

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