TLDR I’m 21, and we are all lesbians lol
So anyway I was seeing this girl for a few months and we really liked each other it was great but she ghosted about a month ago & the last 2 weeks she would pop in and out every like 3 days to see how I am then dip again.

But in the time we stopped talking I met someone and we kinda clicked really well.. but yesterday the girl who ghosted me texted apologizing, explaining she was really depressed and pushed everyone away- she knows she hurt me, she can’t stop thinking about it and she’s sorry. She also said she feels like there’s still something here for us.

i don’t know what I do? i don’t fully trust she won’t dip again.. I do still have feelings for her but I also have feelings for the girl I met. I don’t want to string both along

  1. Sounds like this lady has a bf/gf, if it feels weird to you I’d go with the person who makes you feel secure. You shouldn’t have to question your partners behavior if you can trust them. And trust me that is a completely real feeling to trust someone.

  2. Someone with depression pushing people away is not someone who is working on themselves. She’s likely going to bring those issues into any relationship you would have. I think ur best bet is go with the girl who has given you her time and is available to you.

    Best of luck

  3. Tried someone else and it didn’t work, now back to the sure thing. Until the next trial comes along.

  4. ……Really depressed. She will Ghost you On and Off. Don’t trust her. She has mental issues. Stay with the new girl who is probably a keeper. Don’t play cat and mouse with a loose yarn ball. Good Luck.

  5. The girl who ghosted you is not in a place for a relationship. You can accept her apologies and be sympathetic, but if you try dating her again it will only end in heartbreak. She can’t just jump back in like nothing happened and expect to be trusted again.

    I would advise you offer your sympathies, wish her well, but also express that you have moved on after being ghosted. Then for the sake of your new relationship, block the ghost. If you can’t bring yourself to do this, you’re at very high risk of destroying your current relationship.

    You can’t carry the burdens of your ex for her and it doesn’t sound like she’s taking the time to address the roots of her problems.

  6. Will you choose the person who hasn’t given you a reason to doubt them yet, or the person who’s proven several times to be flaky?

    In the end, the reason for her acting like this doesn’t matter as much if you’ve known each other for such little time. Who’s to say she won’t ghost you again due to depression? Who’s to say she didn’t lie to you and met someone else but it didn’t work out, so now she’s run back to you, the backup option? It seems like way too much drama for such a short dating situation.

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