Okay so I(21F) went out with a guy(26M) on a couple of dates, he was a little bit of a finance bro but likable enough. I’ve previously told him I don’t wanna have sex yet. Third date,we are making out, he asks a couple of times if I’m sure I don’t want him to stick it in and how nice it’d feel. I still like him so I delicately decline.

This is when things go downhill, so I start giving him a blowjob and out of no where he tries to choke me? I’m fully taken aback and I ask him not to do that and he stops. We keep going, he tells me he’s close, I told him beforehand to not cum in my mouth. Guess what he does? No warning just grabs my head and cums in my mouth. I’m slightly mad, I gag, head to the bathroom to clean up, he follows me and says “why do you look mad, you’re the one with the tongue out, what did you expect?”. I’m sorry WHAT. Then proceeds to mock me by doing the blowjob motion with his hands and mouth.

I’m not laughing, he is, sensing the mood he tries to play it off like it was so hot he just couldn’t help himself. I fell for it, in my defense this was only the second time I’d been with someone. We go back, and I see him just pulling out his laptop. I’m like uh I thought you’d take care of me now. He says, oh I’m done for today, plus you had cum in your mouth and that’s fucking disgusting, no way I’m going near that…
Not only did he do what I expressly asked him not to, then he made me feel gross for doing it? He then pulls up some charts and asks if I wanna look at them with him while I’m sitting there clearly upset. He literally couldn’t give less of a shit. The next day he texts me saying I was acting really weird and not as fun as I was on my other dates and blamed it on my lack of sexual experience. Says I personality catfished him, and led him on to think I wasn’t prude. Honestly what?

  1. Do not walk away from this man (and I use that term loosely) RUN. You deserve soooo much better than this and there are plenty of men out there that would never treat a woman this way.

  2. Lol I would be extremely surprised if this guy didn’t give off any other asshole vibes during dates one and two

  3. “I told him beforehand to not cum in my mouth. Guess what he does? No warning just grabs my head and cums in my mouth.”
    That’s assault.
    And he actually had the fucking nerve to insult you afterward? What a disgusting piece of shit.

  4. Not surprising given the finance bro stuff, but unacceptable and disgusting nonetheless. And potentially assault given he did stuff you explicitly told him not to do. So sorry that happened to you.

  5. Run away from this guy as fast as you can is my advice! And I’m sorry you had to experience that ❤ you deserve to have your boundaries respected and open communication with your partner.

  6. You two just aren’t compatible. He’s more experienced and used to females that would likely be fine with this etc and sees you as a prude because of it. You on the other hand need someone who understands where you are on your sexual journey and your boundaries. But as a side note what you could do whenever you feel a guy isn’t reciprocating sexually is just still get yourself off in front of him. Either it will make him feel inadequate suddenly or turned on which def flips the switch on the prude suggestion. That said, this guy isn’t for you and is being a jerk about everything. Just see someone else who you align with more sexually. You’ll know if he does not pressure you relentlessly or at all once you said you want to wait and is willing to wait on your terms

  7. I would text back that you were just taken aback by his crude and selfish behavior during hooking up and you no longer think he’s someone you have any interest in seeing again. And that you’re not a “prude” for expecting to receive pleasure from your sexual partners and that since he doesn’t feel inclined to provide pleasure to you that you no longer see a use in continuing to see him again.

  8. Comparability is not the issue here, guy is a real douchebag. Also he totally used you for is own pleasure. And not caring about you physically or emotionally. Dont give him a word. He doesn’t even deserve to be in your presence.

  9. I wonder how his employer would take knowing they hired someone who assaults and be littles women 🤷‍♂️

  10. Ok so you’ve now learned one type of man to avoid! Anyone who reminds you of this guy can be safely put in the “no” column

  11. I’m very sorry this happened to you.

    HIS BEHAVIOR IS NOT OKAY. He explicitly violated your consent and he will do it again if you give him the chance. Block him.

    He is a horrible person. Anything you try to say to him, he will manipulate you and make you feel shitty even though he is a POS. Just block him.

  12. Leave. Also, date people your own age. There’s a reason these men are looking for younger women…

  13. You laid down where you stand on the matter and he forced you to take his cum… I honestly would’ve bitten him- not enough for serious injury but enough to hurt…

    Sorry you went thru it, don’t put up with men like that hun… you can do much better.

  14. He sounds like the worst guy to have in bed lol. Doing something (any type of sexual thing) without asking first (consent) is not sexy. And he sounds also like a bitch

  15. Well he’s a classic narcissist first of all. 150%

    Did you learn about his background at all? Rich parents? Some of those spoiled dudes are INSANE. Seriously. They *NEVER* grow up. Think Armie Hammer!

  16. This guy goes in the never again file. I don’t care what her says or does. Never again. He’s casually trying to break you and acting like he’s not doing it. May seem harmless in time it will destroy your sense of self. Been there done that still broken.

  17. Why don’t people take the first red flags as a no go. Why keep putting yourself through that

  18. Tbh who wants a ruined blowjob without explicitly asking for it? Blowjobs are not fun if you’re gonna pull off and do a half-assed, wrong hand directioned handjob. Sorry this guy is selfish but this is not a winning technique

  19. He is definitely using you, show no respect for your boundaries, have lack of empathy and still tried to manipulate things. Run away!!!!

  20. Guys like him make the rest of us look good. If you ever happen to talk to him again (which I hope you won’t), please pass along my thanks.

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